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f mac

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Everything posted by f mac

  1. last nite was quarter finals think it was £225 the heat winners not much u say but the eventual winner gets 75k on the flapper track side of things 2nd div think u rely on backing your own dog or some 1 elses
  2. What he meant to say was " without being anal " some chinz curtains :laugh:
  3. best dog i ever had was a 1st x heart of a lion afraid of nothing , turned out hard mouthed after 3 years old though
  4. you be hard pushed to get lino these days try a bit of cushy floor or vinyl
  5. 3rd race pennys viking trap 5

    1. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68

      3rd.....not listening to you again.lol

    2. celtic


      dnt mate it still bee run next week lol

    3. f mac

      f mac

      2/4 aint bad and 13/1 so am up 11 quid woopy doo lol

  6. taylors sky by a mile lol 10/1

  7. next up taylors sky trap 1

  8. next up taylors sky trap 1

    1. f mac

      f mac

      damn the outside traps winning all nite lets prey its out to 8/1

    2. f mac

      f mac

      10/1 urghhh

    3. f mac

      f mac

      10/1 urghhh

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  9. yes trap 6 melodies royal 3/1 ££££££££££

  10. best of luck how many i managed a head count today 9 lol was only 1 out
  11. diesel 1st thing to do is drain the filter if that dont work then your back to sensors and ecu , ele trics or the pump
  12. No , but I think I soon will have only way to test it is plug it in to a lappy but u aint got the stuff , useualy if the sensors go u get a bit of warning ie chuggin and cutting out when warm and starts fine when cold , is it getting a spark to the plugs if it is best get the guy out to test the system sounds like electrics /ecu u tried the crank sensor there a bitch on clios just give a wipe with a cloth to clean off any oil n shit Looked for a fuel reset / cutoff switch, also looked to see if the stop solenoid is playing up, cant even see the f*****g thing !!, my mechanic mate
  13. No , but I think I soon will have only way to test it is plug it in to a lappy but u aint got the stuff , useualy if the sensors go u get a bit of warning ie chuggin and cutting out when warm and starts fine when cold , is it getting a spark to the plugs if it is best get the guy out to test the system sounds like electrics /ecu
  14. ripped up daily record and shavings in the run works for me as the hutch is always dry
  15. a spare hutch is handy to have dont be to hasty in getting rid off
  16. never said the show was dodgy just dont see the point of having 1 at this time of year go along by all means ,,, i wont buy ferrets from them but u need to check back gumtree ads going back several months there always buying and selling ferrets of some sort your call ,
  17. for the attention of lab and baw - rangers and barcelona finaly have something in common they both destroyed manchester

    1. Lab


      pmsl........al just get that fired round my hun mates in a text.....lol

  18. would rather pay 1.30 /1.50 for hand made 10z or spun nylon nets from the guys on here who make them than pay out for the crap they sell at shows or used to aint been to 1 in a while
  19. £6 for a jar of honey.......how bigs the f*****g jar?..... typical fifer
  20. all i remember was me and a few mates walking up to the net to be met by an angry old guy who wanted to boot our arse lol ,learned a lot from him over the years none of it legal ,gill nets , ferrets , snares , none of my family were into anything like that so am here today on this forum because of old jock
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