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f mac

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Everything posted by f mac

  1. i heard that a while back would think every 1 would be doing it if true lol . knowing my luck i would be tuned in to radio scotlands greatest bagpipe hits
  2. dumbarton mate only got a retiered lurcher lol i just ferret these days

  3. there in on the east and west scotland but still patchy another 2 weeks they be plenty
  4. f mac


    Heres the best bumble bee mate......... naw - although its a wasp lol
  5. that was my experience of shows outwith my area most of them ending in my dogs better than yours .that was a long time ago so you would hope its better these days or is it . not saying shows in my area were any better but a stranger in the camp, you know the rest
  6. n/p [bANNED TEXT] u can take your pick

  7. bout 20 miles why

  8. would be easy to clone just send 1 to china and in a few days u would have 1 ,would it be worth it in terms of build quality ect or would u be able to sell enough to make it worthwile
  9. wont be going to scone this year fuel and ticket gona cost me £40 before i even buy a burger plus its the same old kak every year . might go to the galloway show least the tickets £5 cheaper and they got lurcher/terrier racing . will be going to the faifley show just up the road would rather see local dogs and give my pennies to these guys
  10. 2nd hand nets on ebay seem to get funny money just get them new then make your own
  11. never watched it ,i went out for a game of footy as my granny ,maw and sisters used to go nuts and throw handbags and brollys at the tv
  12. think the silver gene is weak u have to breed 2 silvers to get silvers although i mite be wrong

  13. hard to say tbh i got a silver jill but to me its a dew with a silver streak down its back depends how u want to define it .this is my 1st ferrets in ten years back then it was polys or albinos to many fkn colours now i got 9 kits 8 days old bred to a sandy hob if i get a silver al eat the ones hat
  14. did u breed 2 silvers or what was the combo
  15. how many nets is a good number to start with mate? 20 av got 30 and need another 10
  16. by the time u get halfway 15 the net is already 21 inch aprox , nothings set in stone u can do 8-14-8 10-16-10 watever u want skinny or baggy 3ft 3.6 4ft 4.6 watever u want even the mesh board makes a diff to finished lenght 2in 2.2 2.4 2.6 u pick lol r u still confused
  17. mcintyre if hes up for it
  18. no point in wasting twine , not my work but u get the drift
  19. u need a liecence to trap them and u wont get 1 lol
  20. 9 kitts for 5 quid well done mate a bargain for some 1
  21. i watched a fishing prog on sky guys catchin 30lb carp reminded me of the day i hauled a monster from the depths of the clyde only for it to turn out to be a donkey jacket :realmad: all weight no fight
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