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f mac

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Everything posted by f mac

  1. I asked the question of pure salukis on a couple of threads about a month ago and got only one reply. thats because salukis are feart o the dark
  2. maybe hes got a big black greyhound dug called bob
  3. folding trench shovels are good, very light and effective wont be long till ye break it why will it break mate they all do mate, get yeaself a bulldog, ye never know when ye will need it the old ex army ones are ok but dont buy them kiddie on wans on ebay lol plastic shite
  4. nice 1 k when it eats the kids al have it round here
  5. away and work ya lazy git

  6. i carry a border spade ,hedgeknife ,loppers,4ft crowbar and a bowsaw in the boot u never know used to have a pinch bar but left it somewhere
  7. have u tried pigeonbasics .have u tried asking his club to auction them thats the usual way of doing it
  8. numbers are for glory hunters i like to leave some for next time only a sma;ll freezer .and this is your second thread lookin for a bew u got no takers last time either ,maybe spend some time on forum u mite get some or theres always gumtree usually loads on there
  9. remind me no to go oot with u lol take a half shift just netting up got one on a permision 142 nets put down last season : ( got a couple of long nets on the way for September defo use a longnet lol fk netting up 70
  10. remind me no to go oot with u lol take a half shift just netting up
  11. Aye, so I've been told....6"x6" John lol 5inch or a new ferreting partner
  12. yep sounds like charlie heard the squeels maybe the ferret got caught up in sumit in the hutch . if your gona keep it as a pet get it to the vet ,if not ? .it may go back to the kitts after it gets treated
  13. £300 lol get down the auctions
  14. even thats only 6 weeks am keeping mine till 10 before i hand them over
  15. I wasn't having a pop at you buddy I know exactly what you are saying about colours, as I also get fed up with people wanting specific colours. A ferret is a ferret, I've had problem ferrets but it's more to do with the ferrets being nippy. Never had any issues with ferrets working, fair to say some work better than others but colour has never been a factor but I can also appreciate that some people want a specific line. My mate "breeds" greyhound ferrets, I call them small He can fit four in a pint glass, they still kill in and lay up if he hasn't fed them before they hunt. However t
  16. cracking pics bet it was the white eyed black that was sleeping
  17. will swap pro clippers n0 1 to 6 for purse nets
  18. f mac

    Baws leaving

    more chance of neil lennon leaving
  19. the father to my pup is meant to be a wheaton greyhound x bullgreyhound and the mother is a second cross collie grey hound but im pretty sure there is some saluki in there some where and every 1 that sees it thinks the same most who see a collie x thinks theres saluki in there lol i only ever had collie x and wouldent touch a saluki with a barge pole but thats me no offence to saluki owners
  20. with friends like that who needs
  21. i heard that a while back would think every 1 would be doing it if true lol . knowing my luck i would be tuned in to radio scotlands greatest bagpipe hits no mate, he is right, the a radio does pick up the mk1 collars, but obviously, its only to about 5 ft seen that on u tube 6ft to locator but how far when its underground short of burying it to test it
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