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Everything posted by celtic

  1. this is the ferret section, for wanted items, POST YOUR ADVERT IN "THE WANTED SECTION" thats what it's there for
  2. look for mk1 collar 8 feet for the ferret

  3. [bANNED TEXT] is it way north ayrshire mate u get dog stolen and sum 1 try to steal my ferrets up this way abt celtic
  4. it works way mk1 ferret collar the guy jst emaile me there has any won got any for sell
  5. that the won i got moxy i jst email the guy to ask him [bANNED TEXT] collar works way it thanks abt celtic
  6. no can't see any markings on it, trying to get hold of the guy but not having any luck, he said it worked and never let him down
  7. i payd 33 pounds for it abt celtic
  8. I just bought this locator off of ebay, I thought it came with a collar but apparently it doesn't. The guy said it works with an 8ft collar but I don't know if just any kind will work or if I have to buy a specific one. Any kind of advice is needed here!! Thanks!
  9. think sum one mst saw mee going in way them that only way must had new
  10. let mee no if u want my hob cover ur ferret mate

  11. no didt cum bk last nite but sit up the nite to they not get them i jst move to this place dnt no many folk up here yet abt celtic
  12. dvds are now post mate abt celtic

  13. dvds are post mate abt celtic

  14. thanks for all comments so far they in houes way me the nite when i catch them they no [bANNED TEXT] hurt them abt celtic
  15. they are in house way mee the nite but i bee wait them cuming bk the nite abt celtic
  16. someone just tried to steal my ferrets

    1. carp man 1

      carp man 1

      hope u got them mate

    2. celtic


      my girl went out the bk door to have look at them and fun them there mate

    3. celtic


      my girl went out the bk door to have look at them and fun them there mate

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  17. Two lads tried to steal my ferrets in broad day light, if it wasn't for my girl going out the back and scaring them off they'd have been away. I live in the Saltcoats area so anyone near me just beware, they came with there boxes and everything. I'll be up with my a hammer all night long, they ain't getting mine that's for sure!!
  18. aye they do veary easy mate got watch where u stand end through then they easy to dig to abt celtic
  19. i ferret sand burrows they not good at all to do abt celtic
  20. was good show last year shane my big dog now or wld have bean there
  21. where u stay mate ur dog try to escape out that place lol
  22. jst going to pick up jill ferret

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