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Davie M

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Everything posted by Davie M

  1. 3/4" is good at 200 yards £10 a box why buy anything else my cz527 with ppu is like a shot gun there all over the place but groups good with vmax
  2. Hi looking for a place on a deer syndicate in scotland have level 1 and insurance
  3. The snp are control freaks this is just the start sgc and fac are next if they get there way
  4. liver fluke is carried by water snails and contact with the host is the only way to get it http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/objtwr/imported_assets/content/pw/ah/par/fn_live_fluke_disease_and_the_liver_fluke_snail.pdf
  5. there also puting veggie oil in pump fuel as well
  6. I am interested myself in were you can or can`t shoot on the clyde estuary any info would be more than welcome
  7. At the moment i have no ground to shoot on but still would not pay me shotgun can just stay in the cabinet till i get the ground again
  8. Wouldnt mind the snap caps if you would post them can cover the postage
  9. Where abouts do they stamp the choke size on the barrels ?
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