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Status Updates posted by deadlyshot

  1. ‎12 gold hoops..11 weeks on bail ... 10 Richmond kingsize ... 9pm curfew... 8 bruised ribs .... 7 different dads 6 grams of m.Kat ... 5 sovereign rings ... 4 stolen iPhone's.... 3 ASBOS ... 2 much to drink and a brand new STD ..... Todays xmas carol

  2. A man tells his wife "When you take your bra off, you look 10 years younger." "Do I?" says the wife, smiling. "Absolutely - your tits sag so much they pull the wrinkles out of your face."

    1. deadlyshot


      Paddy bursts into the benefits office. ''ive been ringing 0800 1730 for 2 f*****g days why dont you answer your b*****d phone?!!''....girl replies ''those are the opening times you daft c**t'' .....

    2. jeppi
    3. Lab
  3. A Scotsman and his ever nagging wife were on holiday in Jerusalem when the wife died suddenly. The undertaker said it will cost £5000 to ship her home or £50 to bury her here. The husband said ship her home. The undertaker said "but Sir why don't you bury her in the Holy Land and save the money." The husband said "listen here pal, a long long time ago a man called Jesus was buried here and 3 days later he rose from the dead....... Shes goin f****n home!"

  4. A woman set her fanny on fire by accident, Her husband said stand on the balcony and let the wind blow it out.But she slipped and fell.Paddy and Murphy were stood below,watching the flaming fanny hurtling towards them, paddy said to murphy is that hayleys comet? Murphy said don't talk f*****g stupid its a Twatalite

  5. all done rob190364 let me know when you have deleted some of your inbox so i can send you my address

  6. any one wants a nurserie ryhme let me know and ill pm you as bit much for on here

  7. Anyone fancy a bit of digging tomorrow

    1. paulus


      got a garden that could do with being turned over......lol

    2. deadlyshot


      Not you again lol

    3. tilfertilfer


      come pick me up then what time lol

  8. Anyone got any wormers for sale I did see someone had some up for say the other week but I didn't realise that I didn't have any left let's me know if you do cheers

    1. paulus
    2. deadlyshot


      That was it I'll pm him see if he got any left cheers paulus

  9. anyone know what the price of scrap copper is at the moment?

  10. Bloke at the races whispers to Paddy, "Do you want the winner of the next race?" Paddy says, "No thanks, I've only got a small garden".

  11. brought ferret finder of rob190364 and actually received it so there is another person i will happily vouch for for not being rip off cheers again rob

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rob190364


      anorak?? cling film more like ;-)

    3. Lab


      Whats he want to sign them for TBD.would he not be better singing them?...lol

    4. deadlyshot


      ur English why didn't you say sooner then i wouldnt had to spend 1/2 the night trying 2 convince my mrs that you wernt one of those thieving ******* ******* ****** **** bags but as 2 coming 2 mine as your English that fine any time

  12. Can Anyone tell me or guide me what good books I can buy about dog breeds and there uses

    1. markmccann


      go onto amazon books and they review books and show you some of the pages inside so you have a fair idea what the best book to suit you is

    2. deadlyshot


      Cheers mate nice one

  13. can i have some advise on what is a good fairly long lasting lamp xmas is on its way so i need to send my list into the big fella lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. long dogs

      long dogs

      if your after range get a blitz,but the striker as a good beam.lasts for hours on 17ah battery

    3. deadlyshot
    4. robwelsh


      the higher the amp battery the longer it lasts, and depends on wattage of the bulb, blitz are 100w, strike 75w, and lance 50w, i think , my mates striker got 22ah battery to it, and you could leave it on full beam allnight nd still would be ok

  14. do the variable lightforce blitz lamps come with a battery pack

    1. patterdale666


      No you have to buy a battery aswell

  15. Finally back of holiday from turkey wouldnt go again i thought a holiday is were you go to relax and have everyone run round for you not turkey they lazy barstards so glad to be home :)

    1. paulus


      skeggy next time then....lol

    2. deadlyshot


      maldives i think lol

  16. finally back to work with the same company that keeps laying me off lets see how long im there this time

  17. Got my driving test tomorrow hopefully there will be a big fat pass certificate lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rocky1
    3. deadlyshot


      Cheers fellas the amount of money it costs they should present me with a new car taxed mot and insured with a tank full of petrol lol if only eh

    4. markmccann


      best of luck mate

  18. great joys of working in south london none at all there is more people in are skip that there is in the local tesco

    1. paulus



    2. deadlyshot


      No they taking all the tiny bits of wire they even took my old bottle of coke lol

  19. great joys of working in south london none at all there is more people in are skip that there is in the local tesco

  20. harsh i know but have you heard that gary speed has brought out a range of shirt bit tight round the neck but great hanging up! (rip gary speed)

  21. how do you make a cat go woof ? pour petrol over it then light it.

  22. I had a brand new electronic garage door installed last week. It's voice controlled and opens when it hears my wife's voice. To be honest I haven't seen the f*****g thing shut yet.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. rob190364


      so, how much was the garage door? HAHAHAHAHAHA! definitely a gorp.

    3. FightTheBan


      The joke was pish but Judge making a c**t of himself was comedy gold.

    4. judge2010


      your the ones making c**ts of yourselves lol

  23. I made a romantic meal for my wife and called out " honey, dinners ready " I then heard the moaning of sexual pleasure as she replied " mmmm , just coming baby " and she let out a giggle. So I walked into lounge to find her lying naked on sofa, seductively stroking her pussy " Why dont you make me come " she purred. So I punched her in the face and screamed " f*****g DINNER . . NOW ! "

    1. stabba
    2. rob190364
    3. deadlyshot


      mind you if i got an offer like that from my mrs i think id have to take it lol

  24. I made my girlfriend's dreams come true & married her in a castle........ although you wouldnt have thought it from the look on her miserable f****n' face as we we're bouncing around,

  25. I shagged an ugly Chinese bird in a lift. I know, I know.....I was f****n Wong on so many levels.

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