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About hickymick

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 11/06/1969

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  • Interests
    lurchers,lamping,airgun shooting, ferreting, fishing,terriers ratting,, chickhens, trap making,net making,metal detecting,cattys,growing veg,gardening,wine making,watching boxing footy nd films,

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  1. am lost on here ,,,i ant been on for that long

    1. Lab


      jesus a blast from the past....how do?

    2. Simoman


      Hello again pal

  2. try the little torches from china,on rabbits they are cheaper lighter,,
  3. come on lab where's celtic,,,lol

  4. bye ek sithy E dus tha nose,,,lol

  5. bye ek sithy,he dose tha noose

  6. fishing moulds are cheeper,,any size drop mould,
  7. yeah me too nd many more methods to get rid of them,, but who will admit to having rats?
  8. i make them too as a hobby nd to find out which i like best or fits me best,,you tryed perspex ones yet,,just a thought daz i do like yours,,,bud very cheep too
  9. watching leeds nd looking at lurchers,,me thinks your ok as a keeper, ;) pmsl

  10. Just watched another tantalizing Leeds game............lol

  11. looking good daz how much are yours mate,,with bands on?
  12. i was going to say i was the second best shot in the world,,,looks like am 3rd best now,,lol good shooting bud
  13. £10 for catty mould 10mm round dose 6 in one go any good to u lads?
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