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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. Lol i was going to suggest american bulldog x alsation as i had a ab that caught one once and my mates alsation caught 3 round his farm. Then cross it with an Italian grey hound to add pace. Guaranteed to have the power and the pace!
  2. Might add a bit of nose to the bullcross but cant see it adding anything in the dispatch department and i dont think they would catch a lot as they would be less than a third greyhound.They would add plenty enough nose for game finding. I have seen gwp's dispatch foxes well enough. As for just one third greyhound not being enough, you maybe right. That was my thinking behind keeping one of each type and seeing how things panned out. A quarter bull maybe just the ticket for speed in the cross. Having said that I have had collie x's that had less than half running dog have plenty enough pace. No
  3. be nice to see a GWP to bullx. Find a racy 3/8 bull and put it over the GWP. Keep a racy one and a a heavy pup between you and a good mate. Cull the rest then compare how they run/hunt/dispatch the quarry. As hill dogs they could be just the ticket
  4. Fair do's Mawders, I'll keep an eye open
  5. Nice to see mates helping each other out. I still have a hankering for a tuned HW springer, but the pro sport keeps catching my eye too. Mawders, have you fallen out with the PS?
  6. I like 'em to get the job done quick. Dogs sat behind quarry as it runs over the horizon, or the boundaries of your permission leaves me breathless running after the buggers, some stuffs too heavy to retrieve that far. And if your not on permission, best less said
  7. No feedback anyone? I'll add that I am looking at a falcon 4-14x44 scope with a 1st focal plane reticule. Anyone got any experience with this scope or make?Thinking of putting it on a prosport!
  8. What are folks thoughts on the above? First focal plane seems to make more sense but most appear to be 2nd and mildot at 10x All feedback appreciated
  9. They are on lead because they are there only to be used to retrieve shot and injured hares. Spaniels cannot catch 'em and gun men cannot shoot 'em properly. For the rough shooting man, a coursing type dog is a vital critter at times
  10. I have one. 22 sporter carbine sidewinder 4-16x50 scope. 5 mags but no case. Charging gear etc. in Bolton. 2 years old and as new. PM me if interested
  11. You do if you want a faster donkey!donkeys dont catch big rabbitsThey don't get crabbed or bummed up either
  12. You do if you want a faster donkey!
  13. i live few mins from smokys mate was a good night in there Is smokies still going pal, i originate from walkden, not been back for years[/quote yes mate i am from swinton Not that far from me either
  14. Shirley Crabtree, taught me dad and then me wrestling, many years ago. Lovely bloke, but I always wanted to be the dynamite kid
  15. depends what the buyers are looking for. if they dont sell, maybe they need to add the fact that there is a dash of bedlington in 'em
  16. What you planning on doing in private that needs a shower!
  17. Cracking little rifle the HW35. And a lovely touch for a gift! Had my HW35 for 30 years now and would hate to loose it. It still gets used most days, and every time I pick it up it reminds me of summer holidays as a kid when a tin of 500 milbro's lasted an afternoon. I even have a few trophies knocking about that I won in the early days of FT. A .22 springer with a 4 x 40, how times have changed!
  18. Handy little lamps. Okay for small fields or rougher ground. I always carry one as a back up to a "normal" lamp and often just take the clu briter only. And if you have to chuck it, they arnt that expensive to replace
  19. effectiveness of a shotgun is a balance between pattern and pellet size. If your out just after fox then full choke and 42g of No.3 as a minimum. If rough shooting/driven and a fox turns up then 32g No.5 through the choke barrel up to 20 - 25yards max, though you may need a cripple stopper! The pattern of the larger shot size will fail much earlier through a 12 bore than you expect and full choke will not make up for this. Infact it may well make your pattern worse. I have seen 52g of BB pattern all around a fox without so much as touching a hair on it, on more than one occasion. If its d
  20. i have a salukixgreyhound with a little bit of pointer in it should suit my needs at the end of the day a lurcher is a tool to be used for a job and i dont have the space for three it might sound heartless but thats the reality. If a tool you want, get a gun. And a saluki x grey with a touch of pointer!? could do the job your asking, but I dont think your stacking the odds in your favour.
  21. why would a number 3 have a greater spread than no.4 or 5? and if it did, the pattern would be very sparse!
  22. The 1st x is limited in the role of the traditional working lurcher. But as vermin control dogs around the farm they can excel when the going gets tough
  23. bred same way, 19" and a cracking little bushing rabbit dog. Lacks a bit of height for lamping rougher ground, but fightened of nowt. Good luck!
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