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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. I'm looking for a new scope for general use to go on a HW95 custom. I keep been drawn to FFP scopes as in theory they make more sense to me to get the most out of a mil dot ret. The thing that crosses my mind is that the ret maybe to small to be of use at lower zoom powers. So I am looking for feedback as to wether they are all that. Just to add that looking at the 4-16 x 40ish type jobbie
  2. thats why its hard to find such a collie type, they tend to end up in the ground before an enlightened individual can utilise their traits in a lurcher line
  3. Seen them pick and choose rabbits, but wouldn't say they were sickend off them. Never seen it with deer though
  4. I have a collie here similar to describe jim. Sturdy, very driven. Works stock of all types and not frightened to grab hold. Works with the lurchers and deals with vermin around the farm. The downfall is temperament. Strung out! Got mithered into using him at stud to a tidy grew type against my better judgment. To pups were good solid graft dogs, but their temperament was not what you would want to live or work with. Never again I agree with Borderscot. A determined strong willed hill collie. proven mentally and physically BORDER SAID ON HIS POST HE WUD GO FOR THE COLLIE, THE FARMERS WAS
  5. I have a collie here similar to describe jim. Sturdy, very driven. Works stock of all types and not frightened to grab hold. Works with the lurchers and deals with vermin around the farm. The downfall is temperament. Strung out! Got mithered into using him at stud to a tidy grew type against my better judgment. To pups were good solid graft dogs, but their temperament was not what you would want to live or work with. Never again I agree with Borderscot. A determined strong willed hill collie. proven mentally and physically
  6. I normally run a dog or two through the field just before its cut. But due to the fact that some of these fawns are just being born, they dont have the where with all to make an exit stage left, so to speak. We found 3 lots yesterday morning, all appeared to have been born overnight. I think you are right, its worth moving those that wont just sit tight, as its a better option than the fate in the cutter.
  7. Life is a lottery. When you take on any livestock there is a gamble. You can pick any cross based upon it's relative merits, and it still not turn out right for you and the job you have in mind. then you try and stack the odds in your favour by selecting the best available pup from the best bred litter. It still may not come as good as planned........ You will find that however much you try and stack the odds in your favour, the results don't work out as planned. If you have gone to the n'th degree to pick the right type of dog from the right type of breeding and it has not done the job,
  8. With the delayed spring the roe are only just dropping fawns around here at the moment. However, silage fields are due to be cut this week (weather permitting!). Having seen a few go through machinery over the last few years, I was hoping to do something about it. I have a collie that marks fawns/ shot deer reliably and was wondering about running himmthrought the fields before they are cut. The question is, what to do when he marks them? Any ideas greatly appreciated
  9. Perfect examle . I shoot reasonably , and ive shot for a few years now , i consider my self a decent shot , nothing more nothing less . I have a favorite rifle , my MFR , it has character by the bucket load , and its does all i can ask of it . If it does`nt perform , then 99% ofthe time its down to me . I dont shoot HFT like most of you springer guys , i hunt . Thats all , now and again you may find me at a range , or club , but thats only for my own benefit , to sight in and get an idea of where im at at differing ranges , ie , everydays a school day . The MFR hits where i point it , does the
  10. I started out like most with springers, using a tuned HW35 for many years. I then moved onto a AA 310k, which although easy to shoot had been bodged by a previous owner. That went and I went back to the 35 for many years. About 3 years ago I took the plunge and bought a Hw100. What an accurate and user friendly piece of kit that was! However good it was, it left me feeling cold, and as the springer got nearly as much use and has always been my got to airgun, I sold it a few months back with a view to getting a top end springer to replace it. Comparing the 2 types back to back is like comp
  11. What if you see 3.. get the semi auto out!
  12. Tidy bit of work there Si, Hope that Spectre's not gathering dust!
  13. Feck me, you lads can blather on. All dogs have their limitations, whatever their breeding. So long as your satisfied with yours, just crack on! I think some folk should spend more time out with their own curs and less watching others run theirs.
  14. I though it was Fuji, till I noticed he weren't carrying a camera and flask!
  15. http://www.lurcherlink.org/llink/forum/index.php
  16. I'd say that you will learn less with a ready made dog first time around. Get a collie x pup and bring it on the same way you would a gun dog from day one and you will learn together. Success is not a destination, but the quality of the journey fair enough thats your opinion, but I can honestly say with the lack of experience I had when starting out I would not have been able to bring up a pup as well as I have done after owning that first collie x i have. Very valid point, I does depend upon what general experience with working dogs you have had before, and what support you hav
  17. I'd say that you will learn less with a ready made dog first time around. Get a collie x pup and bring it on the same way you would a gun dog from day one and you will learn together. Success is not a destination, but the quality of the journey
  18. I think the fashion on THL is for racier dogs, but there are many out there, quietly grafting heavily collie based dogs on the type of ground you describe with more than satisfactory results
  19. Some centres can be very sniffy with regards to working dogs. Those that work mainly with lurchers are more open minded. I'd keep it to yourself. All rescue dogs are different. And it depends on how the dog came into rescue, some are hand ins by the owners for what ever reason, others are proper rescue dogs. To be honest, some of the dogs are of no use as working dogs as they have been knackered by previous owners. If you know what your looking for, and do not have too high an expectation as to how quick the dog will turn around, and what you want the dog to do you should be okay. If you expe
  20. I have 3, what do you want to know?
  21. I doubt it, in fact its probably the decision of a white middle class manager/ Human resource person. Too worried about the company been sued by an ethnic minority, who to be honest couldnt give a toss. This is starting to show as the thick end of the wedge that was the human rights act. Another Blairite f### up!
  22. Depending where it is and type of ground, between 3 and 5k an acre round here
  23. owner must have had a bill to pay!
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