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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. if you want to use them all year round, then Le chameau do some that are lined with somat else other than neoprene http://www.uttings.co.uk/Product/485/100716/le-chameau-vierzon-air-mens-wellington-boots-with-free-boot-bag-bcb1746/. Brother in law has them and seems well chuffed. Aigle for me though. Better made than Le Chameau these days as LC have gone all trendy and make stuff in china. Happy shopping
  2. had my running dogs on Markus Muelle for last two and half years. they performed well and look in good nick. Just changed it to Orijen as they started refusing to eat it. no idea why and left them nowt else and only picked at it when starving. They would eat the chudley working crunch that the collie and collie cur are on out of season (as they went as fat as fook on the MM. Its too much for that type of dog unless they are getting a lot of work)
  3. Last year my sister asked me to find a dog for my 4 year old nephew. Somat small she said. Beddie whippet I said. Too big she said. Jack Russell she said. You'll better get a good spade I said 'cos it will go to go ground I said. Not it won't she said. Well don't ring me 'cos I have had my fill of digging In the last 3 months she has rung twice for me to dig to it. Next time I will bury the bugger myself. Cocker x terrier be my choice
  4. Dogs look well and looks like your seasons starting well, but couldn't you find a gate?
  5. you could shoot the boar with your catty, then let the dog track it as its mortally wounded. Just ask Baw
  6. Just let the dogs out for a crap, no badgers in the garden, but where the feck did that roe buck come from?

  7. But all them country foxes aint died from eating chickens, they must spit the bones out. That's years of evolution for you
  8. Too easy to remove a chip I'm afraid. Needs the powers that be to take it more seriously, rathe than one step above leaving your wheelie bin out for too long
  9. Off slip. A dog will never catch owt if it's tied to a piece of rope. Unless it's a very long piece off rope
  10. Cracking looking dog that Chid! You'll have to go some to break it. Apart from its feet
  11. AYA No.4 every time for me. A little more rfined than the yeoman and is an ejector. A modern day equivalent of the fabulous webley and Scott 700. Shoot well, cheap and easy to get spare or repair. What not to like?!
  12. As a starter gun a 12G o/u with 28" barrels with multi chokes and 3" chambers will cover most bases. Never shot a Revo, so cannot comment, but Baikals are well known. Built like a tank and handle like one too. But the main down fall is the stock dimensions. Generally too short in the LOP and too much drop. Unless you are lucky, recoil will be an issue. My advise is that find something more mainstream, then get it fitted. Many people dismiss this, but as you are the back sight of the weapon, it is vital. Bad gun fit is the main reason why someone " cannot get on with" a shotgun and why they yoy
  13. permission mean nowt to that mob. They are not adverse to leaning on land owner who give permission, with the threat of a £5000 fine. just make sure its in writing, dated and lays down exactly what that permission is for. Then tell 'em to go Foxtrot Oscar
  14. why not get a tactical stock made for the HW100?
  15. http://farm.autotrader.co.uk/ Give you some idea on prices in uk
  16. just to give you an idea of specs http://www.tractordata.com/
  17. (PL-400) THE LED PISTOL LIGHT Reference : PL-400 Incredible power from the hand held pistol light which is compact & lightweight. Runs directly from any 12v DC power supply or 12v power pack. £45.00 excl. VAT Quantity : I have a couple of the rechargable ones, handy little lamps but as others have said, the tight beam is limiting for dog work. the one above is the one I am looking at. A bit more discrete than a lamp the size of a kettle!
  18. Yeah I have been using one for a year now great bit of kit imo!!!!Some complain the beams to tight but I really don't have any issue dog works fine on it and great for walking my rescue lurcher late at night along footpaths Is that one with a built in battery (Clubriter), or the little one with a power lead?
  19. Anyone tried the Cluson pistol lamp?
  20. Well don't fecking get one. Simples Now jog on, term starts tomorrow
  21. For mooching those two should cover most bases. Running more than two dogs, especially lurchers, takes a lot of dedication and time.enjoy what you have, keep an eye out for the future and be honest with your own limitations and requirements. If you don't have the space and time to do 3 dogs justice, stick with what you have for now
  22. You need to get up earlier. If you are committed to using that dog from the start of this season, get up before the crack of the sparrow and get some miles under it's pads. If ŷou intend using the dog as more than a point and shoot hound, experience tells me you are at least three months before you get inside it's mind. Good luck and crack on and prove the doom mongers wrong
  23. Are you saying that you can make a silk purse from a sows ear?
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