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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. collie x for me. but for a beginner I wouldn't recommend a half x unless you are used to collies and the work you intend to to use it for would utilise its intelligence. collie/beddie mix always seem to turn out quite even lurchers, and the terrier element takes the edge off the collie sensitivity and makes for a more difficult dog to ruin
  2. I have one, I enjoy watching him at work, but if I only had the one dog, that type would not be it. He runs like a balloon. Goes off like a rocket, jigs and jags, but quickly runs out of wind. Handy pest dog though
  3. It's just a plain bag, that the local fishery sells. fish based and float. The mink have quieten down, had just the one since but the rats are throwing themselves on the traps. I always have a few tunnels around the pig pen and chicken runs, and they catch rats most days. since baiting the tunnels I am emptying rats out of the traps three times a day!!! I knew there were a few knocking about but these pellets drive 'em mental
  4. Plywood bridges.they get the message Once you create a void, something will fill it. If the environment will support a notable number of hares, and you clear them out off your permission, others will be pressured in. Your land owners need to get some balls, the only time hares should be hammered is when they start to be easy to catch by dogs (daytime) If somebody rapes your daughter, who do you shoot first? Your daughter?! He chased them in the at for around 5miles before they thought they could pull in a village and turn the lights off, the police had been told and caught up with them
  5. Plywood bridges.they get the message Once you create a void, something will fill it. If the environment will support a notable number of hares, and you clear them out off your permission, others will be pressured in. Your land owners need to get some balls, the only time hares should be hammered is when they start to be easy to catch by dogs (daytime) If somebody rapes your daughter, who do you shoot first? Your daughter?! He chased them in the at for around 5miles before they thought they could pull in a village and turn the lights off, the police had been told and caught up with them
  6. You have managed up until now without NV. What's a few weeks?
  7. Plywood bridges.they get the message Once you create a void, something will fill it. If the environment will support a notable number of hares, and you clear them out off your permission, others will be pressured in. Your land owners need to get some balls, the only time hares should be hammered is when they start to be easy to catch by dogs (daytime) If somebody rapes your daughter, who do you shoot first? Your daughter?!
  8. We have a few acres of our own and moor grazing rights over another 600 acres. We keep sheep, pigs, chickens and a few horses. I also manage the land for a rough shoot and duck shooting. The area has no shortage of critters that could be classed as "fair game" for lurcher lads, hares been reasonably plentiful. They may attract attention from lurcher lads, but I would not shoot them, nor do any of the other land owners around here shoot them with a view to reducing the attention of the lurcher lads. I keep a few lurchers myself, and am more than aware of the practices involved, good and bad.
  9. coursing is done in the daytime with a strict ethical code, please do not fall into the mindset portrayed by the media, lads driving fields can do so with both dogs and guns. these are the people who cause problems for the genuine dog lads and shooters alike. Again this does happen but is also used as another excuse far too often.o Ethnical code? These guys had no ethnics. Just to tear up fields and smash gates. And don't start thinking typical shooter hate dogs as iv ferreted, Lamped and coursed before I started shooting. There maybe two honest in it for the sport lads to every ten lads wit
  10. Good stuff, it's amazing how quickly animals adapt. Pirate is a great name, I had a tame fox as a kid that had one eye, I called him Pirate too. That one eye never seemed to hold him back
  11. I've not seen any mink around our ponds since early spring, after trapping costantly for the last twelve moths with tunnel and cage traps. The wildfowl have done well, and good numbers have been coming in for feed. The rats have been doing well on the left overs as usual, but mk4 fenns in tunnels around the banks and waters edge have kept their numbers fairly low until recently. As they are picking up duck pellets, I sprinkled some floating carp pellets in the tunnels and its entrances these float for longer on the surface and stay in place well over night. Guess what the mink love 'em! in the
  12. Skan R32, if you can get your hands on one. Cracking short range vermin gun
  13. jesus! i'm not coming round yours for tea! He is only maximum of 8 months old in those pics too! Lol! He is intelligent though, he can recognise a true as opposed to a pretend threat and react accordingly. He spots people/ dogs from miles away and just watches them, if they get to close he keeps an eye on them and may even follow them for a bit to make sure they are going but he wont show any aggression unless its needed. And even then it would only be a low rumbling growl. You don't so much hear his growls as feel them But that said, he is fine with friends when they come round and e
  14. jesus! i'm not coming round yours for tea!
  15. its may aswell be pure bull but its 3/4 bull 1/4 american bulldog is it guard dog or a dog that looks like a guard?
  16. Bulldog? What type, or cross bred?
  17. Was that a straight deerhound x saluki?Often Wondered what they would turn out like. I was judging a show on this weekend and had a good look at one. It was 7 years old, but had worked, allegedly. Had a nice heft to it and physically well put together.30" and Heavy coated with sulki ears. Could have been handy for large deer back in the day, but for me, I would like to have seen it put back to a smaller lighter dog
  18. I'd guess at multiple addresses and previous form. It's bad PR for hunting lads, but at the end of the day, they have given the courts all the evidence they needed.
  19. just shut a dog in the pantry and its eaten half a bag of dog food. That's tonight's lamping down the swanny!

    1. trenchfoot


      The fecker snook in behind me when I went in to get my tea. Didn't know the twat was in there till I heard it crunching away half an hour later. It looks like a texal ram!

    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete



      I came home, tonight, to find one of three out of my four had discovered the Dog bed cushion contained kapok!


      Ye know those little, plastic domes ye shake? Cause a snow storm ....? b*****ds! :D


    3. foxtails


      lol, funny as fcuk lol, brilliant, ANOTHER night in front of the tv lol

    4. Show next comments  246 more
  20. I'd rather see good coursing dogs put into deerhound stock to try and improve the deerhound, rather than try an create good coursing dogs by adding deerhound. Poor breeding for shows has left the deerhound a shadow of its former self
  21. Had a collie cross cur who never came in season. Would have loved a pup off her, broke her back at 9 years of age. That's life I suppose
  22. BBC News - Priest charged with child sex abuse i don't like any of the corrupt organisations mate, i like my mates who keep dogs, and go fishing, and who keep a few finches and chickens etc, who work to look after their families if chasing a hare makes them bad people what does that make the people i have highlighted, this country needs to get its priorities right we will never see eye to eye, I don't have any finches at the moment but i agree, those corrupt barstewards need stringing up
  23. Anybody reading this tread would think that you do'nt like the police Cocker
  24. The only knob is the one that does not consider the contents of it dogs feed. Spend £100 pound a bag of kibble, or source the best ingredients you can for your budget. Be honest with yourself and how your mutt performs and it's condition. Add in your personal circumstances. Good canine nutrition, done
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