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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. http://www.heinnie.com/ Have a gander on here. but hide your credit card!
  2. Helle are hard to beat as fixed blade knives. But for folders I like fox or some or the spyderco stuff is good. Cost restricted then Opinel and Mora
  3. wiufglibfn;lij ewojfweonf opijp[o vf]k IMO, cheers Trench
  4. Aigle very time for me. Le Chameau are lighter but wear and tear takes its toll too quick. Hunter are crap and wear out the soles and linings. Neoprene linings are good, in that they keep your feet warm and are very comfortable, but if you spend all day and everyday in them, your feet will rot. I won a pair of Dubarry Wexfords in a charity clay shoot, and whilst they are not maintenance free and look poncy they are a cracking pair of "wellies".
  5. Andy, that my kind of cur! But be careful what you wish for!
  6. They have all gone out together in the dark for a love in, slagging off each other whilst bumming up their dogs. Go figure
  7. that's as maybe, but when given ammunition like this, you cannot blame them.
  8. Sell 'em to DEFRA, poke its arse down a few setts and the badger cull would be sorted within a week. You would need a telehandler to clear up the crap of one of them beggars
  9. handy dogs to have around
  10. Mine butchers toast in the kitchen. It's handy she's veggie and all, 'cos apparently my dogs are crap. What they don't catch goes twice as far
  11. I'm retired (ish) so the wife glad to have me out from under her feet. She is veggie, so as long as she doesn't have to hear what's gone on, she's happy!
  12. Go to the search bar at the top right of your screen. Click on members, then type in tjones3862. Snipes owners profile will come up, then click on his posts, it's all there to see. Better still, if you ARE genuine, send him a personal message
  13. Are they good as trousers, or better as over trousers? If you get what I mean! You can wear them as either I wear mine as over trousers and also have the falkland trousers and wear them as trousers. They look just the ticket! How breathable are they? And do they have them bloody side zips at the ankles? Apologies for all the questions but they look spot on and they do them in short arse sizes too! I find them ideal,breathable and no they dont have any side zips.They are fairly wide in the lower leg which adds to their breathability and makes them easy to walk in and take off over your boot
  14. Are they good as trousers, or better as over trousers? If you get what I mean! You can wear them as either I wear mine as over trousers and also have the falkland trousers and wear them as trousers. They look just the ticket! How breathable are they? And do they have them bloody side zips at the ankles? Apologies for all the questions but they look spot on and they do them in short arse sizes too!
  15. Are they good as trousers, or better as over trousers? If you get what I mean!
  16. She does okay. I haven't ferreted with her for the last few years, though she did show early promise, I just prefer mooching these days in the main. For working around rush beds, rough cover and woodland on small game she has always kept me happy. And that's all I ask of her
  17. I have a collie x beddie whippet, I use her for ratching around for small game and for flushing for the bigger dogs. rarely does she attract unwanted attention. In fact now I think about, Ive always had a littlish collie cur for just that reason, and guess I always will.
  18. Fuji, I notice you have deleted a load of your photos. You saving them for summat else?!
  19. No worries. It's also better for your feet if you change boots half way through the day. Trust me I have tried it all, hence Trenchfoot ;0)
  20. Most boots that live in shit will die soon. That is unless you clean/treat them often. On our small holding we have pigs, sheep, horses, chickens and geese. From September till March, leather boots will not take the stick you mention without almost regular drying and treating. So. Id bite the bullet and wear wellies for yard work and then save boots for field work. Sorry it's not the feedback you were looking for, but experience tells me that in the wetter months, at least, that the way to go
  21. Question. How many shot do you really need on an air rifle hunting foray? I will bet a pound to a pinch of shit, that 90% of the time you don't need above 40. Most pcps will do this as a minimum whilst running in their sweet spot
  22. You da man !!!! Not wrong, you would want this fella as your bag man
  23. Cheers fella, been there plenty before! But when they are laid up, need to recuperate, but they are ready to rumble mentally and fitness wise, they start climbing the walls. Especially when the rest of the gang are rocking and rolling
  24. Had the "big" lad out a few times over the last week. Nothing over strenuous, and his foot is holding up with no signs of the injury. Happy days! So had him out with the wee cur, bushing out a bit of cover or two. A bunny and a pheasant bagged and then a nice run takes shape. No fences just rough sedge fields. The dogs running well, with the cur in tow, and it looks a certainty. Strike, as the critter turns down a ditch leads to a cartwheeling hound walloping hard into the scree. The games away,( the wee cur stands little chance on this ground). Fortunately the lads slowly back on his feet, bu
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