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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. I had a phone call at the weekend from a woman who has a smalling holding near us. A fox had been taking her chickens and she was distraught. Could I go and help deal with it. She knew it was hanging around first thing after she turned her birds out. So I went up on Monday and patched up her run to keep them in until it could be dealt with. I returned before first light on tuesday with the shotgun, but the wise little bugger must have scented me and skirted the edge of the wood, looking out but refused to come in, even to a squeak or two. It was obvious at this point that the fox was lame, wit
  2. Hello, I'm PC Nick Willey, and today Mathew, I'm going to be a nosey tw#t!
  3. you would need to dig two feckin' big holes! first one for the dog to draw from and the second to bury the useless sack of sh#t!
  4. Oh no it isn't! https://www.(!64.56:886/judi.hewitt.9?ref=ts&fref=ts
  5. Once a Marine, always a Marine. R.I.P Yorkie Walker, a bootneck's bootneck
  6. Too true fella,but legal or otherwise, these days I prefer to gather memories rather than evidence
  7. happy days mate missed one today are selves big dog foxs but cant catch them all matei your right there mate they live to run an other day that's y it is called hunting if you got them all the time there would be no sport in it lol Your right, it's called hunting. Not posting. Sounds like the lads had a good season, his dogs look well and well put together. but we all know what a dead fox looks like. Your right, fencing does make me happy. In the last year I have erected 8500m of stock fencing and 1250m of post and rail. What pictures would you like me show you to prove I'm good at fenci
  8. happy days mate missed one today are selves big dog foxs but cant catch them all matei your right there mate they live to run an other day that's y it is called hunting if you got them all the time there would be no sport in it lol Your right, it's called hunting. Not posting. Sounds like the lads had a good season, his dogs look well and well put together. but we all know what a dead fox looks like. Your right, fencing does make me happy. In the last year I have erected 8500m of stock fencing and 1250m of post and rail. What pictures would you like me show you to prove I'm good at fenci
  9. happy days mate missed one today are selves big dog foxs but cant catch them all mate i your right there mate they live to run an other day that's y it is called hunting if you got them all the time there would be no sport in it lol Your right, it's called hunting. Not posting. Sounds like the lads had a good season, his dogs look well and well put together. but we all know what a dead fox looks like. Your right, fencing does make me happy. In the last year I have erected 8500m of stock fencing and 1250m of post and rail. What pictures would you like me show you to prove I'm good at
  10. happy days mate missed one today are selves big dog foxs but cant catch them all matei your right there mate they live to run an other day that's y it is called hunting if you got them all the time there would be no sport in it lol Your right, it's called hunting. Not posting. Sounds like the lads had a good season, his dogs look well and well put together. but we all know what a dead fox looks like.
  11. would love a take away, but the chances of getting one delivered out here are non existant
  12. I couldn't give two hoot how many pups are born. What matters is how many of the offspring go on to prove their breeding
  13. You might as well have a big sign on your tail gate saying "pull me"
  14. Leather is not weatherproof. Hide, when attached to its original owner is. Leather is dead skin, which unless cared for will absorb water. Goretex is there as a safety net for when dead skin soaks up water. For all intents and purposes a condom. So if your a good catholic lad, just wear leather and be careful. Us Protestants and heathens prefer the security of backup
  15. https://www.(!64.56:886/photo.php?v=647563031956105&set=vb.433695260009551&type=2&theater
  16. Have a look at the haix Tibet boot. Almost as tall but with a more open type tread
  17. dont just stand there, get back filling!
  18. here you go. hope you've got big feet. http://www.uttings.co.uk/p109032-lacrosse-alpha-mudlite-3-5mm-neoprene-18-inch-wellingtons-brown-150065/#.UujSYBDFLIU
  19. Seen a few beardie collie x's do that aswell they would go right out from the beam of the lamp then come in on the quarry... In my mind, that not herding, it's brains! Yes, it's how a collie cuts off a run when driving a flock, but in a collie lurcher, it's how they pick up quarry without spooking the crap out of it
  20. Clever dogs them collie x's. Filling the gaps in your dogs training ;0)
  21. Last year you would have been welcome to stay in the holiday cottage. But after someone's mongrel pups stunk it out on New Year's Eve, it's a no dogs allowed policy. A least it stops my pot lickers being shown up
  22. They don't come back 'cos they don't like having their ear brushed
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