I like the analogy go a pit and AK47. Many aspire to own one. Most have no real need for one. And in the heat of battle most wouldn't be able to handle one either
If you had a dog bred that way, then best kept out of the public eye, and choose your vet wiselyMe I've only got a standard bull/whip(staff) Xcolly /grey but I read in the papers all the time that pits are all over the country so makes me wonder how many lurchers have pit in them ?
Don't believe everything you read in the papers do you?!
I've been using Fenns for the last fifteen or so years and today surprised me. Found two rats in one trap. Both young 'uns. Never seen it before, how common is it?
Also looked in a trap tunnel earlier this evening in the chicken run, and staring straight up at me was a wood mouse sat on the trigger plate. Could have been and advert for ratty weight watchers!
Lloydy is right, temperament is everything. I have a working collie here that's physically outstanding. Works rough ground and all game. BUT, he is an anxious, possessive bugger. Good guard though! Despite my reservations I agreed to let a lad put him over a cracking saluki/whip/grey when my ego got the better of me. The litter turned out cracking looking dogs, good nose solid build and good game sense. But mentally the sires mental faults shone through. One of the bitches has done well, but the lass who owns him knows how to work with that collie mind.
My dogs here to stay, but his nuts
I popped out today for a service kit for the tractor. Came home with a livestock trailer. We have pigs, sheep , chickens, ducks and geese. But some daft sod has offered me some wallaby sand I can't help but get the notion out of my head. I need help!
Put up a few sheds, get 10 to 15 retired cousing saluki x bitches and 2 malamute studs. The first 18 months will be difficult, but after that you'll have cornered the market in performance lurchers.............
Worst thing to happen to Top Gear was the Dave channel. Over exposure takes the edge off it and the hammed up comedy becomes too transparent. As a franchise, it needs to change to survive. But you could say that about anything!
It's called a splitting maul. If you can stretch to it get a stihl. But what ever you get make sure it has a metal collar below the head. Stop the shaft snapping just below the head.
How many innuendos can you fit in one sentence!?
Good luck with the pup Tomo. Hope it works out well, and thanks for the heads up. If I were you I'd apply Murphy's law when naming it. Call it Brembo, so it don't put the brakes on
Good luck in finding it! But if you have struggled unsuccessfully to find it over many years, Maybe it's time to look else where? Deerhound x's of that calibre are few and far between these days.
Bought a pair of Harkila 2 years ago. Very comfy and good support. However they leaked after 12 months of moderate use. Bought a pair of Haix Tibet before Xmas. Worn them through the entire wet winter. 7 days a week for at least 6 hours a day. On wet boggy land to rough fell and forestry. Needed little breaking in and no hot spots. Very supportive and not let any any water in. Very breathable and even in warmer weather no sweaty feet. Cleaned once a week and dried daily. Early days but look very promising. Kept my out of wellies for all but the shortest of trips