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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. Queer feckers to some those beardies. But my point was that if you found a source of the best dog you had in 40 years experience, why would you not go back for another? Either it wasnt that good, or experience told you it was a one off.
  2. Any book worth writing will have its naysayers. The Quoran and the Bible spring to mind. Andy should get it written. Its worth writing, and there are enough pictures to paint the 1000 words he cannot think of.
  3. Never needed to poison any mammal. Never let things get that bad. Don't agree with it unless extreme circumstances. Its called having my own opinion.
  4. Using droppers is like loosing your cherry to a brass. You may well catch something but you woudn't tell your mates. And wont help you pull any women in the future.
  5. A few of the pics were pulled by those who posted them , before photobucket got greedy
  6. 2 guys with no sense. Both admitting breaking the law on an open forum. As for a sporting. If you catch, it either kill it ASAP or let it go for another day. You owe it that regardless of being a pest or whatever other thick headed excuse you see to justify it.
  7. Almost, Sire was beddie x whip/grey, damn 1/4 collie 3/4 whip. should end up around 22, 23".
  8. My old beddie/collie whippet is enjoying her well earned retirement, so the time has come to try and fill her boots. Lets see how this laddie gets on.
  9. If its too late to get the bitch jabbed, do your mate a favour and buy him a big bucket.
  10. Adding saluki into a lurcher for running hare is no more cheating than adding bull for running foxes.
  11. With the foul weather the last few days, the ground is like bell metal and under a good covering of snow. I took my hardiest of dogs with me to check on some sheep for a neighbour. As usual, she was hunting up the reed beds, but I'm guessing the weather had driven most of the game to more sheltered ground. Not one to come home empty handed this bitch, I watched her switch from the reed beds to the drainage ditches . At first I thought she was hunting up fox that had used the drains for shelter from the wind but he reaction told me otherwise. She was hunting up snipe that had moved into the las
  12. self employed twats is what they are. If they feel that there is no value of working with you then your fecked. Where as collie types etc will work generally for you regardless, like an employee.
  13. Gotta love POV sheep porn
  14. Jeff has a longstanding urge to cross Chesapeake bay retriever into his dogs? 600 years of breeding and he's still uncertain as to what he wants in his "kennels".
  15. Thank feck for that. It would only have gone against lifting the ban, and opened the door for Labour to try and strengthen it.
  16. Tip number 1, the only thing you should openly admit to poaching is an egg.
  17. As a young man I too used to think like that. And then I went on to make the same mistakes many of my forbears did. And they didn't want to listen either. Old heads on young shoulders are prized for good reason. Some traditions may belong in the history books, but there are others, that some lads (and they ain't all young) have no comprehension of. And it is those differences that differentiate true sporting dog men and just men with sporting dogs. And we all pay the price
  18. There are a lot of doubts over wether Lord Orford did add bulldog into his line of coursing dogs which reached its pinnacle In Czarina. No actual records exist of her breeding. Orford, like many, was known to be loose with the truth when it can to self publication. He did however start the first coursing club at Swaffham. So if the myth IS true, its them bull x lads that have brought about this bloody ban.
  19. Plenty of so called dog men are leaving game behind.
  20. I've found my dogs can be fussy about lots of pheasant as the main of their diet. But added to a good complete kibble, they wolf it down. When they are in plenty of work, I mix pheasant and partridge etc with fatty lamb as game is too lean IMO.
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