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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. I'm far from sinless!, but I know the difference between bloodsports and fieldsports. Unfortunatley the Anti's don't
  2. use your collie with your lurcher, handy for pushing stuff out of cover, but the end result can get a bit messy!
  3. I judged the Lurcherlink show last week. Some of the dogs up for rehoming were at the show, and i must say that all were neutered and not one of them was overweight or in a poor condition. Its down to how they are kept, and Kaye does a fantastic job.
  4. report 'em to the RSPCA, then pester them for a worthwhile prosecution. Feck all will come of it as they all p### in the same pot
  5. I've a Nomad clayshooter fleece dark olive green sat here. I dont wear it because its way too big for me these days! XXL suit a BIG fecker who wants to stay dry in something you cannot wear out. I'll pay postage
  6. trenchfoot


    spotted this on guntrader news Guntrader News 5:40pm, 29th May 2014 This summer we are going to find out the Government's view of the RSPCA when it comes to the charity's role as a public prosecutor. Attorney General Dominic Grieve has appointed the former chief inspector of the Crown Prosecution Service to receive submissions from a wide range of bodies and individuals, ahead of publishing a report which will decide the matter. Grieve realised something had to be done as a result of the disquiet expressed by both the public and leading judges following a number of botched pr
  7. Too true, even for a lump, he never fails to surprise me. As a collie x devotee(?) he's opened my eye's from kennel blindness I know that feeling! Awesome looking dog, how old is he? 3 1/2 y/o. had him from 20 month, and for the first year worked him off a slip. mooching over summer opened my eyes to possibilities and have given him a free'er rein more recently. surprising nose and concentration, and when he's on the arse of game, he finds speed you would never believe. but no wind!
  8. Too true, even for a lump, he never fails to surprise me. As a collie x devotee(?) he's opened my eye's from kennel blindness
  9. dont worry, it'll be lurcher sized. crack on
  10. not the raciest looking, but ugly 'uns always go harder than pretty 'uns
  11. I'd definately slot something in her ballot box
  12. Cheeper and stronger than a mora frost!I think you may need to open your wallet a bit more. But even so, try these guys http://www.heinnie.com/
  13. trenchfoot


    thoughs from the CA on the RSPCA Countryside Alliance Director of Campaigns Tim Bonner writes: The RSPCA may have shed both its Chief Executive and its deputy Chief Executive in the last few months, but the controversies continue. This week The Times reported on last year's RSPCA AGM, the minutes of which have only just been made available to members (read The Times report on its subscription website herehttp://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/industries/consumer/article4086876.ece.) At the meeting, members debated a motion demanding that the RSPCA continues with its increasingly radical ag
  14. trenchfoot


    keep some of your powder dry Dy!
  15. trenchfoot


    Get signing https://www.change.org/en-AU/petitions/the-british-government-make-the-rspca-answerable-for-their-actions-to-an-independent-higher-body#share Hope this link works
  16. if its that important, its worth getting in touch with your dad again
  17. a twenty bore franchi o/u will weigh more than most english 12 bore side by sides. if it fits you, and you put sensible loads through it, then there is no reason why it shouldn't perform well at grouse. I've shot driven grouse with a pair of berreta 20's for the last 4 seasons. I still use a 12 for driven pheasants, but more often than not, then 20 bore would still do the business. at normal game ranges, a 20 is more than capable with the right load. its a confidence thing. beware the man with one gun. the more you use it, the greater your confidence
  18. trenchfoot


    he will be back. under the name of Candidia. harmless, but irritating cnut. Also easy to get rid of
  19. allies equally to game shooting. most people have the tighter choke in the top barrel, yet still shoot the bottom barrel first. even on driven birds. interesting isn't it how people differ I always have the 1/2 choke in the lower barrel and 1/4 in the top for driven game and shoot the lower barrel first, for rough shooting I reverse the chokes 1/2 top 1/4 bottom No different myself, though if you expect to be in a hot spot on a driven day, it's often easier to fire the top barrel first, then if you just fire the single shot, it's easier to reload the top barrel. Either for yourself, or if you
  20. allies equally to game shooting. most people have the tighter choke in the top barrel, yet still shoot the bottom barrel first. even on driven birds.
  21. trenchfoot


    That's the Fifty Million Pound Question, mate. Unfortunately; That's about how much of little old ladies entire estates worth They have available to bung at the court costs. I'll leave it there ..... true, but how many would change a their wills if "bad press" like this became well publicised. The RSPCA are struggling for funds, and cannot afford to upset all the little old ladies. get it out there and shout it from the roof tops!
  22. trenchfoot


    Whilst the Society’s staff issue criminal proceedings against offenders, they do so by way of private prosecution.taken from here! http://the-shg.org/The%20Law%20and%20the%20RSPCA.htm. what, apart from finance, is stopping anyone from doing the same to them for their actions?
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