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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. been upon on Winter hill for the last few days. Its been like hell on earth. We live on the next valleyed thank our lucky stars that its not us.
  2. thats the best summation of the situation I have heard in a good while?
  3. what the feck are you on about you doylem?
  4. Allah sent it to me as penance for having had 1 bull cross, as opposed to all them Christian collie crosses I've had over the last 40 odd years?
  5. what is still amazing, after all these years is that we cannot agree on the perfect breeding of the average lurcher.
  6. At least they aren't kennel blind, like some over here. Good stock is just that.
  7. These days I prefer to walk alone, just as I did when I first started out. I guess thats why I've gone back to the type that I first started with.
  8. Are we allowed to call him a Special C#nt then?
  9. His latest plan is collecting road kill and freezing it. He then feeds it to local foxes who are starving. If he had left it in the first place they wouldn't be so f***ing hungry. Claims his Aspergers syndrome means he cannot tell a lie. But it doesn't seem to stop him spouting bullshit.
  10. A line bred farm cur x whip/grey. Not the fastest, but shy of a daytime hare id well on most stuff. The rougher the ground and the weather, the better. Waxing fat in her later years with her daughter.
  11. At times up here, the hardest part is finding stuff to run. We need dogs that will hunt like spaniels, clever, hungry runners (as my grandad called them) and a coat and physique that will brush off the worst the weather and the terrain can throw at them. Line bred, collie grew saturated dogs tick all those boxes for me.
  12. I'm rather partial to a good drop of collie blood. The reason for using collie in a lurcher falls into two camps. First, to turbo charge the collie and secondly to add engine management to a sighthound. If you fall in the first camp, then a half cross (or there abouts) is a fine creature to work with.If its the second case, then most working breeds will surfice in adding that bit extra to a running dog. If your not going to use the key attributes of a collie AND can get on with their nature, better crosses are out there. JMO
  13. Ivomectin, unless its got lots of collie in it. bath 'em start and end of season in Tactic.
  14. Almost, was good enough for a ten year old back then.
  15. a dog learns little in a kennel. get it out in the early morning and work on recall when it misses its quarry, pays dividends when it misses on the lamp.And then retrieve when he catches. By the season you will both be in a better place, mentally, physically and as a partnership.
  16. I know of a litter of well bred otter x greyhounds if anyones interested for next season
  17. you will find all you need to know in this.
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