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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. He'salready looked at this thread, but said nowt. unless its been in PM's
  2. I wonder what that lot are starring at?
  3. and this turned up a couple of years ago!
  4. I've started using "mini" tunnels/cubby boxes for Fenns. Because the box is just big enough for the trap to go off, I don't have to worry about rats getting thrown off. Since Ive started including these in "natural" tunnels I've never had a half caught rat. Still get those that re-set the safety catch though
  5. I use one. handy for bringing a pup on and getting its strike going. It seems to stop all that trapping conies with their feet in the early days as they know what their mouth is for and how to co-ordinate the rest of the body. Also use it for tiring a dog out if I haven't the time to get it out for a good ratch
  6. So very true, the english translation is not that accurate. They are not "only" pointers, here in Germany they are called "Deutsch Drahthaar" which is a description of their coat, and means german rough coat. And over here they are used and "advertised" as a versatile all purpose hunting dog. I read an article once about the origin of the Drahthaar, the article stated that when they decided on a standard for the breed they decided that only liver and white and liver and tic was acceptable. Any black and white pups were PTS. However the jeagers working in the forestry in Munster asked if
  7. 1/2 collie, 1/4 beddie, 1/4 whippet. As robust and firey as i've ever needed. lacks outright speed, but for ratching about woodland and hedgerows as been a little firecracker for me. Would I have another? probably, but would not use a whippet cross
  8. The old lad was sound! doesn't worry about dogs unless there are lambs on the ground. That said he has a herd of belted galloways and they scare the sh#t out of me. Just too unpredictable. even for cattle
  9. Last night the wife and I were invited for a few drinks and pre xmas nibbles at a posh neighbours, as they would be away over xmas and new year. mostly friends, but one couple I didn't know, but I was fairly certain that it was a farmer who farms around 2000 acres here abouts. I had never spoken to him in person as every time I saw him on the quad bike, I always happened to be walking in the opposite direction to him. throughout the evening I exchanged a few short pleasantries with him and his wife. Usual stuff, weather, xmas, etc. And then went on to catch up with a few old friends. I not
  10. not if your short and stout. They end up as shin pads
  11. http://www.swillingtonshootingsupplies.co.uk/store/product/12690/Verney-Carron-High-Leg-Gaiters/ just a thought
  12. best to get on the flightlines at this time of year. I have found it useful to stick a few decoys around oaks or large hawthorns in hedgerows that are along flight lines. It helps pull'em in to where your hide is
  13. If it kicks and you are using sensible loads the AYA doesn't fit you Ok a mule is not the best way to say but I feel the punch more so from the sbs which is also expected, it may not fit me right but I'd still not sell it or change it, it's a 1974 gun and been in the family all its life comes with a history of stories so I'm honoured to now shoot it, They are a v.nice gun and with that conection, I don't blame you for keeping it But to enjoy it to its best, it may be worth having a gunfitter run his eye over the two of you
  14. Too much collie only if you want to show it!
  15. My old bitch, standing, not far off 3/4 bred. Sadly no longer around. Not flash, just an honest grafter
  16. if you want to make a competition out of "killing" count me out. Get out and do what you have to do
  17. I like that hows it bred mate Cheers fella, linebred collie x, same collie on both sides, with saluki on the dams
  18. http://www.caninedeafness.com/how_to_test_for_dog_deafness.html there's a starter for ten. It may sound daft, but it "looks" deaf to me. may not be but if thats the pup you want good luck
  19. If your on about that white dog in particular, check its not deaf
  20. nice vid. but when did Mushroom learn to ride a collie x ?
  21. If it kicks and you are using sensible loads the AYA doesn't fit you
  22. All the above reply. Some gunmakers also have different stock dimensions and shapes for sporters and game guns. Also game guns tend to be a little lighter.
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