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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. Bit of a storm! I end up pulling dogs and quarry out of a boiling torrent that is usually just a hillside drain. Its been unreal up here. Frozen to the bone but happy as a pig in sh#t Very same happened to me not too long back..id only been out of car two minutes when dog made contact then i was into the depths of a raging torrent to end the malarkey, thick cnut I am I continued on for 5 hours and seen nothing more haha..should of just got back in the car and returned home happy with the one after 5 mins ..maybe I will do just that should it happen again but then again haha with age comes
  2. I've warmed through now, and if it starts to rain, I'll be back out for a few hours. Its a strange old drug, the hunting life. It has me on my knees on a regular basis. Yet, when you've come round, and your dealer, mother nature, is singing. It just pulls you back in again!. Ding Ding. Round three
  3. there is a very definate stamp to those Minshaw dogs.
  4. Bit of a storm! I end up pulling dogs and quarry out of a boiling torrent that is usually just a hillside drain. Its been unreal up here. Frozen to the bone but happy as a pig in sh#t
  5. I thought about it, but after been out 4 hours out today, I've had enough. However, If anybody has a lamp trained otter, I'm willing to give it ago
  6. Thanks for the tips guys. I've always left rodent friendly structure in the runs. traps go in as and when needed. new trap tunnels are in place and some of the old ones have been moved. NONE of the bait, of any type, is going, unless its just odds and sods left out in the open. I'll set a few snittles tomorrow and see how that pans out. Failing that, I'll pump a couple of tanks of water through the lot, whilst using old sprout sacks over the holes! its embarrassing, our lass is laughing her tits off
  7. feed it 3 times a day. give it a bowl full. If it eats it all, add a little extra to the next meal. At that age I would rather a pup had as much as IT wanted, not what I thought it needed. I've a pup here that daily ate twice as much as my adult dogs do. "the first year ye feed them, the second year ye field 'em" or something like that anyway
  8. When the going is good you make the most of it with your dog ,theres a alot of times in the year you cant do owt for some reason or other.fill the car up and get up the road. good going that lads.But how many more did you catch after the first hour?
  9. what wire would you use for a rat snare? or would a rabbit snare do
  10. Over the last few years I've always prided myself on the fact that rats never dwell on our small holding. Despite having horses, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks and occasional others, and all the shit and feed that goes with it. I also do pest control on some of the farms, yards and small holdings hereabouts, and If I do say so myself, have always been successful. I have only once had to resort to poison. Relying on traps, shooting, dogs and convincing the owners to make changes to ensure they are not creating rat heaven. last year I took over 1000 of the buggers. But now I've lost my touch. A fe
  11. can I have 1 from the top and any 5 others please Ms Vorderman
  12. Tick tock? No just waiting for trading standards.or the ego police
  13. GVC, same hymn book, just reading different pages
  14. I've spoken to the breeder a couple of times. the first time out of interest,the second out of curiosity. on both occasions I was left with no doubt about the commercial aspect of the breeding of his dogs. over the years I've judged a few lurcher shows,and when owners are asked about the breeding of their dog,if its been "Burrell" bred, it always comes with a puffed out chest. Many have looked looked the part, and I have no doubt they could perform.But as a dog to graft as it should, its a big expensive gamble
  15. thats a good honest review. would you pay £500?
  16. Put a post up about him mate his owner is on here am sure he will see it some things are best kept quiet
  17. 5 months now and coming on nicely
  18. do you think the pl 400 would fit in the pocket of my barbour jacket cheers sure would
  19. but our roads are SO much better
  20. that pup only looks good because its owner is wearing a 5 inch lift
  21. how much collie do you want? f#ck knows how much collie! 1/2 collie 3/16th's collie 3/8ths collie full collie
  22. He'salready looked at this thread, but said nowt. unless its been in PM's The fella has been intouch n has stated it's a bad pic n will get a better one.. fair do. give the lad a chance
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