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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. right hand edge, 30% up, then in a bit
  2. No credit to me, I just followed Trenchfoot's instructions. TC Oh yes. Sorry trenchfoot. No worries chaps. just wish the wife would follow instructions, and apologise like you two!
  3. The least you need to spend on a shotgun the better IMO, having one fit your reach and stance is important but you don't need to spend a fortune to have one fit you like a glove. It is important to have one fit you but don't think your going to shoot like John Wayne just because the gun fits you. Ive been shooting all my life and at the end of the day a shotgun is a steel tube that fires shot, it has no rifling (unless your in America) and it's more to do with the round and the operator knowing how to adjust to his enviroment than the fancy name badge or diamond encrusted stock. I have seen
  4. Under extreme provocation,I put one on his arse a few years back for being a gobby c### and shoving folk about. Didn't like that, him a 2 mates followed my taxi home and jumped me with a couple of pool cue ends.
  5. from bottom left, along 40%, then Up 40%. 2 dark patches
  6. 3rd generation british muslims. Snide, cowardly and untrustworthy. Northern towns are littered with stories such as this. Makes a change that CCTV caught it.
  7. in the foreground, on top of the rocks. Can see down the barrel. just!
  8. Its not some bloke with a leggy collie and mad pomerainian?
  9. unless breeding a 1st x, I don't see the benefit for just adding raw pace to a lurcher. better breeding to a similar type, but of a faster nature. If that makes any sense!
  10. every time i've followed the need for speed, I've regretted it
  11. Cheers bud, she's collie x grew to collie/grew x saluki/grew. Can't stay away from them collie types, but threw a bit of sand hound in there. Just a bit though. Knowing my luck it'll turn out a plodding stalker
  12. I rarely comment on someones dog, but that Optimus is a great photo of a very well put together hound. Out of interest, how was he bred?
  13. How can you waste money on loose women and curry? unless your an amateur! Like I said, have a clear plan..................
  14. very true, however when you increase stock length, you also increase drop and cast. The Benelli should have comes with shims to adjust both of those variables. A session with a good fitter and the materials to make those adjustments would be money well worth spent
  15. You buy 'em. You carry 'em! went today, there at door opening. no traffic. not rammed inside either. Some good bargains to be had if you have very definate, realistic plans. Worked for me. Saved 50% on a load of Swedteam waterproofs, but spent what I'd saved on a deposit for a new gun!
  16. Have you ever tried to run in a pair of shoes that are the wrong size? In shotgunning, your eye is effectively the back sight. If your eye is in the wrong position, you will not shoot to point of aim. Yes you can adapt to it if its not that far out, but why make life difficult?! The cost of fitting and modifying a gun is little more that what you would loose on trading it in for one that "may" fit better.
  17. gotta get them to leave cover first!
  18. lad at school tried to blow his brains out with a Gat. woke up in a "special" hospital with a bruised temple and sprained wrist
  19. same as it is for any livestock ... yes it doesn't even have to have pulled it. just running out of control amongst them
  20. I think you will find .30-06 IS a military calibre mate if you are going to shoot boar, .270 is the minimum, and what a cracking all rounder a .270 is, its a necked down .30-06 as is .25-06, .270 would be a superb choice mate. its only good for friendly fire though
  21. I know what you mean, but those eyes go all the way back to Blue!
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