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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. what der ya get? a knock from plod
  2. Too true, shooting is like sex. You don't have to be good at it to enjoy it. But it does help if things fit
  3. make sure you get some cream for that "itchy trigger finger" before next year
  4. http://clulite.cluson.co.uk/spotlights/666-plr-500-long-ranger-led-pistol-light.html. Even comes with a filter for £45
  5. He's a cnut bit harsh that ! he's a fair loving weather cnut. thats all
  6. which collars? I know the sites been on hold for a couple of weeks, but no explanation
  7. sounds on the small size to me that walshie. Thing is, even if you build a slightly bigger pond, they will just grow to fill it again. Sell some, and use the cash to fund building a new one
  8. so why have you measured it then?
  9. here you go, theres a part 2 on there too
  10. stunning That Bill! I wish I had crap like that to delete
  11. But if you do that your tighter choke will be on the wrong barrell ... depends which direction the target is going. If its coming towards you, then its the right way around. The order of front trigger, open choke, back trigger tight choke is an anachronism left over from when all game was shot walked up. The advent of driven shooting dictated that the tighter choke would be a better choice for the front trigger, but unless you order a gun to be made that way You are stuck in the past!
  12. Watch out for flies in the summer. the wet round bales hold water all year round and become a perfect breeding ground for all manner of flying sh#t. I made that mistake myself! I bought a load of old 3'x2' flags of the council etc and laid a hard standing 10 yards square for over wintering pigs. saves the paddocks for the rest of the year. Chuck your wood chippings on the flags and when done, spread on the paddocks.
  13. I would hope most lurchers should be capable of those requirements
  14. carnt get the big lump in the water don't think he can swim lol But I bet he shits in the woods!
  15. what would the lab add that a GWP wouldn't? Bit more biddable I guess, but anything else? thicker coat and less wide ranging?
  16. What ??Big balls?? I dont think so,as if some 2 bit , so called celeb is going to be put at risk ! That was safer than my drive to work,he was just a muppet sat in the drivers seat(on a cushion),could have used a cardboard cut out ,doubt anyone would have noticed! Is that the same 2bit celeb that nearly died in a crash, when filming?
  17. Strange one this. They test a £1,000,000 La Ferrarri and discuss some of the intricacies of the top end of the car market, yet all folk can grumble about is a similar length piece "taking the piss" out of the French idiosyncrasies its like the THL has turned its aspirations upside down
  18. For me, their would be too many variables in that mix to be able to make a decision on the benefits of a labx. but I can see where you are coming from
  19. Just in general. It would be interesting to monitor how a labx does. If I didnt have a 6 month old pup right now, I would seriously consider a lab x. As a collie x man, I believe they have similar physical attributes, but without some of the negative mental ones..
  20. So who has a bitch they are happy to put to it?
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