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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. if you think a dog is worth breeding from, after a couple of seasons full field testing, take the off season to pick that dog to bits. then the rest is up to your conscience and ego
  2. at 24 months its an un proven dog. and have done feck all worth while. to many dog in rescue because no idea of the time and effort involved. and no idea of what makes a good dog. Any muppet can get a dog to chase rabbits etc , but to know a good dog, worth breeding from takes a little more. and if you have to ask the question in the first place, you are in the wrong game. so get fishing
  3. A bit of a loaded question your putting there,but why do you think it should be 24months? Surely its upto the owner,but 90% are breeding to make money anyway. too true sir. Anybody asking that question is in it for the bucks. best off keeping fishing rods, not dogs
  4. I'm with you Charlie. I walk the lambing fields each morning, with a dog and gun to pick off the brazen ones. The hour of dusk with the rifle a couple of evenings deals with most.
  5. who gives a feck about KC rules? Any dog, of any type needs a minimum of 3 years to prove it is capable of doing the "job" it was created for. If it doesn't then its not worthy of breeding from. And a whippet needs to prove itself in the field over at least 3 seasons as an adult. Which in my book makes it 4
  6. Cheers buddy,I think personally he's a big ugly cnut haha but he works not to bad so alls good we all now looks dont killyou have not met my wife
  7. Now she is with ISIS, thats not the last time his daughter will be pulling thats face
  8. Come on man your having a laugh,that's the sire to Bird's dog Thats possible!, but I bet he never measured it!!
  9. Is that top pic one of Don x Ruby pups?
  10. He doesn't think so. twice the dogs have held him at bay up the ladders for the afternoon. And the collie pulled his door handle off the last time he forgot to let me know he was coming
  11. £35, once a month for ours!
  12. every time somebody mentions the falklands war, I get this ringing in my ears!
  13. crate it up. then take it out. knacker it. feed it. put it back in cage. sleep like a baby
  14. my next one, or maybe the one after that
  15. trenchfoot


    I noticed they are now referred to as an animal rights organisation. and that is what they fight for. They are not, they are there for the welfare of animals. Not driving political process. If they want to survive, they should get back to core values and basics. What they loose in persecution costs, they will gain back in goodwill, and donations
  16. Just out of curiosity what breeds have you been around ?......I havent been around dogs as long as you have but ive seen more than a few that would put the fear of god in you for no other reason than they wanted to........to say no dogs are born bad is not naive its just silly in my opinion as it is to say anything born of nature doesnt have the capability to be born bad.i have been around a fair few breeds, and I have seen dogs that would put the fear of God in you, BUT not a pup, I have never come accross a young pup that would do it, I know where you are coming from, but twice I've seen it
  17. remington spartan. a rebadged Baikal with multi choke
  18. £150 is expensive to replace the birds, but a small price to keep the harmony.
  19. like that a lot mate does look the part,got some coat on it,cheers To be honest, her coat looks the part, but in reallity its crap. No undercoat, balls up in snow and brings back every bit of undergrowth she runs through. if you want a good coat on a dog to shed off the worst the land can throw at it, this one fits the bill
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