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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. Collie/ grew x collie/grew/xsaluki/grew. 7 1/2 month
  2. If I remember, turkey is better than chicken. I cannot for the life of me recollect the reasons why. It came up at a meeting at the Royal College of Veterinary surgeons I was at. But I'm not a vet
  3. I know it goes against common advice, but apparently chicken causes gut irritation. try lean beef and brown rice.little and often. And if you haven't, change your kibble. Failing that give the dog some Bisto, help thicken it up a bit good luck
  4. All valid points, but dont confuse the lad. The offer of a gunfit session is grand though. I'll do the same if you are up W.yorks/ Lancs
  5. Its surprising what cur bred lurchers can do when given a free rein. One of mine deposited the entire contents of a den, including the mother, on the yard yesterday. Black as the fire back he was, on barely a scratch on him! There's more to a good dog than a slip and a torch
  6. 30" for certain. If you get "into" clay shooting then 30" will be good, to club level, but 28" will be a definite handicap, especially at 6'2"
  7. Cheers Stevie ... To be honest Sailor I bred Don purposely as a rabbit dog for lamping,he done good in that sphere,unfortunately a freak accident due to a Roe kicking out resulted in him losing an eye,the dog has the drive and focus of a Greyhound when in pursuit and as I liked the dog I didn't want to risk him killing himself lamping a poxy rabbit with his limited vision so it was a change of plan with him if he were to continue hunting,he took to other forms of hunting without a hiccup,he ferrets grand,hunts like a hound,in fact the Keeper on an Estate he hunts on would rather have Don d
  8. that'll be one of those Air Arms Pen-ultimate then sorry couldn't help myself
  9. I feel for you fella. I stopped 12 weeks ago, gone cold turkey, as I didn't want to swap one dependancy for another. But you are right about the appetite, I could eat a bloody horse, just for a between meal snack. Its made me an even grumpier b*****d too,
  10. Feels like one at times Trenchy, ha ha.. think Im going to borrow a tripod this year..bad back and old war wounds starting to tell I have a 100 - 400 on a canon and thats bad enough to lug around for everyday stuff. I'll stick to things looking small
  11. thats not a lens, its a bloody rocket launcher!
  12. 30" every day. 28" are handy if you expect to a lot of walking.
  13. dont make me laugh, I've already got a hernia!
  14. love that top pic Andy. Thats some grand ground you have up there, I might just have to have a dander at it my self
  15. thats only partly true. In the main, its the pricks behind them
  16. He's crap and too much chew to take him on! Who would take on a person who is playing the race card, BEFORE they've been sacked. Feck that!
  17. a whole new meaning to doing red stag, single handed!
  18. jesus, its been out 12 months! I blame the tory government
  19. I know of a bull x, just like that.
  20. Make that 55! Is this Belle the same one I mentioned earlier? I think I'm right in saying Bulldozers mother? different Belle. Only had the one litter around 18 month since
  21. I'd give it a go. Spent most of my life with collie crosses bred like that and most have been grade A hunting dogs. coursing dogs, never but by god they have put some stuff to bed
  22. Well put some on for us to see then lover boy,all talk and no action is a bit like being a politician haha Ha ha .......I dare not let you see the pics of our last day out. You'd get too excited! I've not got them here anyway..... don't keep any photos at my house... Here's one I took earlier........I think it's a rabbit or something, looked very flat, so it might have been run-over. Not sure. any closer and you'd have slipped a dog on it! before the ban obviously!
  23. its not a case of fear, it's a cased of being p#ssed off with the way they have affected those societies where they have "integrated". Until you have lived amongst it and seen the changes in muslims, and the impact they have had upon the outlooks of those that they chose to share there location with. Only then will you understand
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