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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. There's loads of them on here haha..on a serious note though I'm looking at getting a pup out of Romeo at some stage but it won't be just no point and slip dog with me..hopefully I will be able to add a string or two to the bow so to speak when it comes to the offspring of Romeo and prove he can sire more than just what's considered the norm for him you got a bitch in mind Andy?
  2. 5 years mate, then they start earning you about £12,000 a year apparently..Not sure if its true but apparently if you have one on your land its a guaranteed income per month for 25 years ? its true, same for solar panels.
  3. Assuming its the chap who took over servicing them when Skan packed up making them. Not spoke in person, I left a couple of messages, then found out that he had stopped working on them. Not got round to sorting it out. The gun was given to me by a mate in return for a favour. not even had a tin full of pellets through it. He had lent it to a keeper "friend" who fecked it. Its one of them things I keep meaning to sort out, but its a bloody long list!
  4. I'm in the same boat! let me know if you have any luck
  5. there's a few over your way, they are migrating out of the Harewood estate
  6. the one that looks like a fullyscaled common carp is a Japanese Chargoi
  7. we used butchers string to make draw strings for purse nets. The nets were old brussels sprout sacks. they worked, kind of, but it was a LONG time ago!
  8. I am guessing they are taking notice of the "twitching corpse" reports that the anti's were broadcasting. I've no doubt there will be somebody on here who can fill in the gaps
  9. have you not got any electric fence wire knocking about? the metal stuff obviously
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32364299 Who's going to foot that bill!? and there will be activists letting the buggers out anyway!
  11. So what do you gain from nationalising land? Who will manage the land and who will fund it? How do you replace the lost revenue to the local economy? Do you think land reform should extend to the rivers and the salmon beats that toffs own and pay to fish should it be open to the public? Dan, they never have an answer for that. The group trying to ban grouse shooting on Ilkley moor are a classic case in point. No answer on what to do to maintain the biodiversity of the moor. Even less of a clue as to who will pay for it. And when you dig deep enough, the key drivers behind the fuss isa
  12. As an appreciator of the collie cross, I find these topics very interesting. When it comes to creating your "ideal" hunting dog, would you prefer to have a collie hybrid that can run fast, or a running dog hybrid with nouse and substance? I am genuinely not looking for an argument, but good old fashioned opinions. ATB Trench
  13. I like that, I bet it can take a few knocks, and judging by the background, it'll need to
  14. been let down massively when helping people. Time and money. But I would do it again if somebody I knew needed help. My concience is clear on the matter, if there's isn't feck 'em
  15. watch the video, it speaks for itself. When it was legal the hunting of deer with dogs could at times be a physical battle, especially with the bigger beasts. But as hunters we had a responsibility to bring any incident to as quick as end as possible. Those lads deserve all they get. F#cktards for not knowing how to deal with captured quarry effectively and double f#cktards for filming it and posting it on facebook
  16. having seen some of the footage, anyone who stands en masse, and films dogs dealing with a stag instead of piling in and lending a hand deserve everything you get. Call it evolution
  17. I had the old cur out working the sheep and that great big b*****d hot footed it into the pic Aye, had the same with the pup this week, lad whose sheep they were p?ssed himsen!
  18. nice photo's of a grand looking hound But is it remote controled?
  19. saw this today, I wonder who will come out on top https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/aberdeenshire/549290/keepers-issue-challenge-mountain-hare-numbers/
  20. to take a great picture, first take A picture so you are more than half way there. besides which I think that mjuch of the stuff you have put up on here would keep most of those on here happy. Only reason I said that the quality did help is that chifchaf's and willow warblers are VERY similar, so even with the very best of shots it can be hard to tell
  21. Cheers bud..I thought it was just a young un of some sort at first but I reckon you could be on the money with that assumption? And yeah yeah I'm taking over from Paul with his fuzzy pics haha..you bunch of posh,rich twats with all the fancy shit are in the elite league compared to us paupers posh, rich and elite are things i've never been called before! but twat...............
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