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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. thats just what I did 22/23" intense little beggar
  2. try splitting a piece of hawthorn with that and you'll end up with an expensive wooden mallet. It would never come back out
  3. Funny dogs collies, Ive seen collie lab x's that were excellent, but then for no obvious reason go gun shy
  4. go easy with the toothbrush. the degreaser will do most of the work for you. then use kitchen roll and cotton buds to clear any stubborn bits
  5. There is a committee, Its called the countryside alliance. plus all the other official bodies. Time to really earn their corn
  6. Bump?? Sorry I didn't get back sooner! But as said any degreaser is fine, then a very light lube with any good gun oil. Its a Baikal, it'll cope lol thats what i thought until the gun i thought was indestructible stopped bloody firing how often should should i be taking the action off the stock to degrease and re-oil? To degrease, probably only once, as you are removing the crap they ruskies put in there. After that, just a wipe over, then light lube once a year should surfice. unless it get massive amounts of use or dropped in the marsh
  7. Bump?? Sorry I didn't get back sooner! But as said any degreaser is fine, then a very light lube with any good gun oil. Its a Baikal, it'll cope
  8. I asked you this already desertbred, maybe I just cant find it or im reading it wrong but could you show me where its says in black and white in the hunting act 2004 that its ILLEGAL for a lurcher to catch and dispatch a fox on the run in England or wales? If I remember rightly the act says it is illegal for any dog to pursue a land mammal unless excempt under certain sections of the Act now a lurcher coursing and killing a fox is not on the list of excemptions I dont think, but the only way to test this is to plead not guilty if some one is unfortunate enough to fall foul of this particula
  9. keeps an eye out for the leather lined Hunter sovereign. They are v.expensive, but John Norris sometimes have seconds in at around the aigle price. AND they do take some stick. Mine are 8 years old and no leaks, but only worn them for shooting. TBH, just because they are expensive, dont expect them to last that much longer, if at all. Its how they perform in the interim
  10. use the parliament act like Blair did and ride rough shod over the lot of 'em
  11. Great shots of one of my favourite nooks of great britain Last place I took this old girl
  12. Baikal used to use a stiffer lubricant than most. almost like a red grease than gun oil. That combined with a lack of final finish on gun parts has been known to gum up the action. Especially when a bit of dust, swarf etc has got inside. Most that I have seen have all performed best when given a good internal clean/de-lube and then re lubed.
  13. Any chance there is of overturning the ban lies amongst us and our governing bodies. Stay tidy, dont get into name calling and slanging matches. Pester those that choose, and are paid to represent us, to pull their finger out of their insurance funded arseholes and do a proper job. Start with the BBC
  14. It makes you wonder why Cameron chose to look at revoking the ban
  15. I've said it before, Thats a belter of a dog and could get an old man into trouble
  16. I know. would have had a go otherwise. Spoilsports!
  17. trenchfoot

    Filas ?

    I have a lot of admiration for the modern Alaunt, but they are a lot different to the Alano's that bird refers to
  18. we had better start praying. And keep our noses clean!
  19. the worse thing that happen since the ban is facebook.
  20. How many lurcher owners have been prosecuted under the hunting ban, as opposed to "trespass in pursuit"?
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