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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. The dog is too canny to be a one trick pony, but in my experience, if a collie x starts to become obsessed with something, then it can be a ball ache to break it of the habit. I think its best if that drive is refocussed into something similar in technique, such as ferreting or ratting. Besides which, my well mown dog paddock will start to look like the battle of the Somme if left to practice uncurtailed
  2. Don't read Misery for fcuks sake. Good luck. Not that you'll need it
  3. line bred collie/ grew with a splash of saluki lurcher on the dams side
  4. I would, if it was legal to use a dog to hunt with moles. To be honest, useful as it maybe, it's a habit I don't want to encourage. If she starts getting fixated on the velvet underground, it could well become a pain in the arse from a working lurcher perspective!
  5. tell me about it! I wish I had it on film, never seen anything so focussed and its not like she has been out ferreting to have learned what all that rumbling underground is all about!
  6. I've known dogs that have caught the odd mole or two. most have been when the little velvet critter has breeched the surface and the dogs been in the vicinity. I have also had dogs that when bored, would push a molehill over, get a nose full of scent, then start digging frantically. Very occasionally they would dig one up whilst doing so. Yet tonight, i've seen a first. A 10 month old pup catch 3 from one field. At first I thought she was just distracted, staring at the ground, pacing around then laying belly down on the ground at a carefully chosen spot. Ears cocked like she was ferretin
  7. a bottle of dog and a schooner. used to be dangerous stuff for young men. Spent a few nights in the cells 'cos of it as a youth
  8. Not the best, but I kind of like 'em!
  9. Cheers for the compliments guys and gals. This one is a work in progress.I must admit, I've learned 95% of what I now know about green woodpeckers in the last few weeks, watching this little brood. It's just lucky that they are holed up in a tree in the front lawn
  10. those from a certain era may get the clue
  11. doesnt matter if the dog is neutered or not. Breeding information is not essential, but type maybe ; eg bullx in a bull x class etc. If you dont know the breeding, make it up if you like. most breeders do anyway At the end of the day, its just a beauty contest, where you pay a £ for somebodies opinion
  12. fill your boots http://www.heinnie.com/knives-and-tools/f/cat/knife-and-tool-sharpeners
  13. She's looking well, nice strong frame for a bitch too
  14. I've a pair of Haix Tibet, for nearly 2 years now. Coped with all kinds of bog and sh#t. 6 days a week, minimum of 12 hours a day. Digging, forestry, farm work. never leaked, clean up like new and very comfy. Light too. I bought a pair of Meindl Dovre extreme in feb. They are comfy in a spongy, trainer type of way, but the hooks and eyes are just bent steel and feel flimsy. The ones on the Haix are cast metal and very strong. Some tw#t dragged me behind a tractor for 100 yards when they got hooked onto a roll of stock netting, during a fencing job.
  15. If clays are your primary sport, a light gun will not help. Not just the recoil, but light guns tend to be very whippy, handling wise. better off with a dedicated sporter
  16. when measuring blade length, do yo measure the actual length of the cutting edge, or from tip to the choil, regardsless of where the edge finishes? there does appear to be some confusion with regards uk legal carry!
  17. They'll do a fruit when old Brock digs up their crop. I can just see them running around with a pitch fork and lump hammer
  18. and pictures Phil, you've got to have pictures
  19. You keep on at it Andy! I understand your stand point. But I cannot just sit back and take anymore for the team.
  20. I fully understand where you are coming from Fuji. But for me it runs far deeper than the hunting with dogs ban. I hunt, shoot and fish. I have lived a full life, and the moments that stand out in my memory, either have been banned, could well be, or will get fecked over. Working in a farming/rural community, all I see is that all that we hold dear to our hearts will get turned over, to the detriment of all that we hold dear. You keep on keeping on, in the face of adversity, but trust me, your kids and their kids will have no chance. It does not matter that you think it may change nothing. its
  21. you would have to be a psycho to understand that
  22. I dont care what people say, but given time, a persons true colours will always show. Sounds like Salmonds time is now
  23. some cracking looking dogs out of that litter! brought on well too by the looks of things. How are they bred Dean?
  24. I put it down to the way they are bread
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