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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. Cheers Ray. He was useful tool around the farm.Not a speed machine, but fast enough and would hunt up like a hound.
  2. I see he has been on the forum, since this tread started, but said nowt. Speaks volumes.
  3. Handy pest control dogs. No lack off heart.
  4. You more tolerant than many. If a working sheep dog did that around here it would soon be worm food.
  5. And there was me thinking it was bean juice dripping off your chin.........
  6. Thats understandable. I hear its the only way to get a small cock to touch the sides.
  7. A 50lbs+ dog should make easy work of a scrawny fox, especially if it ran them regular. Singlehanded is the sportingly to do it. At the end of the day it's pest control. The job needs to be done quick and efficiently. And your dogs or dogs need to be ready to do it again PDQ. If a person find that doubling up ticks those boxes, I say let them crack on. It is not a time for willy waggling.
  8. Squirrel coursing is a thing of the past https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rgel6WISvY&t=9s
  9. What kind of response do you expect from the bunny hugging brigade? Someone wiser than I said, "what a man does with his dog is a matter for his own conscience". Remember the highs and lows. Regale those that close, but, not there with tales of the unexpected by all means. Share it on'tinernet and social media if you must, but be prepared to be called to task.
  10. They do like to eat THE bean though
  11. where can I get an application form?
  12. You may be right. A first cross may well be more pleasing to the eye, But if I was trying to breed a lurcher with some of the attributes of a good lab, Id rather use a lab that has those attributes in abundance first and foremost.
  13. I personally would prefer a non trial bred dog. They old style, labs don't seem to need much direction when it comes to hunting up for unmarked retrieves and have greater endurance. Where as the trial bred dogs burn out far quicker when faced with a lot of graft
  14. Wifes been busy on a painting for me this Christmas. She let me see it early as she didn't want to wrap it. And I 've been a good boy, honest mi 'lud
  15. the more collie in a lurcher the less suitable they are as pets. They need work/mental stimulation. And lots of it.
  16. Thats a useful looking cur. Handy type to keep the farm and stock safe.
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