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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. judging by your footwear you must have been the slipper that day
  2. if thats the case, put a second smaller filter after the UV. currently a lot of stuff is going back in the pond before it is filtered out. meanwhile, its just growing greener
  3. strange that such a lovey of the RSPB is against the control of fox numbers, when they themselves proved splendidly at Geltsdale that predator control is a must if wild life is to survive and thrive. They have even started shooting them on their reserves to benefit ground nesting birds. They have also installed badger fencing around key areas at massive expense, but I bet a pound to a pinch of sh#t, that if it were legal, they would have had the lead injection too
  4. the chap in question was Clifford Pelow, and i'm led to believe that he was banned from being a hunt member anywhere, for his cruelty. Can anybody confirm it?
  5. I tried it once. Got arrested for indecent exposure
  6. I forgot that sarcasm is wasted on some people
  7. Love mine. I hve found it can chuck a wider range of bullet weight through the same twist than the .243. but got to agree with Charlie about the .25-06 if you can deal with the recoil
  8. yes i no i was being sarcastic but sox seems to think there's no difference in the pup I'm sorry I am sure you have been in the dog game a long long time and have vast experience in conditioning dogs so I will bow to your superior knowledge ........ no i haven't sox and i dont claim to have been im just not blind lol it doesn't take a genius to look a 2 pictures and tell there's a difference there is a difference, but not enough to matter. If I had a pup looking like that, and if I felt the urge to post pictures of it (which i wouldnt, due to embarrassment), I would be asking for h
  9. yes i no i was being sarcastic but sox seems to think there's no difference in the pup I'm sorry I am sure you have been in the dog game a long long time and have vast experience in conditioning dogs so I will bow to your superior knowledge ........ no i haven't sox and i dont claim to have been im just not blind lol it doesn't take a genius to look a 2 pictures and tell there's a difference there is a difference, but not enough to matter. If I had a pup looking like that, and if I felt the urge to post pictures of it (which i wouldnt, due to embarrassment), I would be asking for h
  10. there is a difference, but not much. I was trying to be encouraging. but looks like you've p#ssed on that bonfire
  11. Fair play, that pups put a bit of weight on in the last 2 weeks, but something is awry if a pup that age cannot put enough on in a fortnight.
  12. get yourself a bolt action .410. cheep as chips and easy to poke through the mesh of the cage
  13. I've a pond, 40m x 30m ish. There were no fish to start, but put in a couple of dozen golden orfe from the local garden centre when they were cheep at the back end of the summer. They thrived and are breeding. the beauty is you can see them easily and are very tolerant of conditions. once it was obvious they were doing well, I started to add a mix of coarse fish from a local supplier
  14. Amen to that! never get the fecker in the roe sack!
  15. trenchfoot


    still there moley https://www.(!64.56:886/rspcakilldog?fref=ts
  16. cheers buddy, rolled the tractor getting it up there though
  17. a combination of f#cktards with camera phones and face book hasn't helped our cause either
  18. I've a few triangle ones about, on trees. but they attract jackdaws. this is one of 2 I have put up on the edge of rough pasture. after a couple of lean years, both are now occupied
  19. 1) build the entrance the right size. After that, air rifle 2) best inside if its a quiet barn and not just a tractor shed. allows young to stretch their wings inside among the beams. The barn owl trust website is very useful when it comes to advice. And most of it either makes sense, or works anyway
  20. not sure what you are getting at Mush. About time you got off that fence!
  21. I've been shooting at Cap Formentor. Some of the locals also hunted with podenco types. A very friendly bunch. It's worth a trip just for the scenery alone, and ask about
  22. get a midge magnet and put it near the kennels. work a treat
  23. keep it from eating grass. do no structured exercise all day tomorrow. then get it out at 4.00am on sunday morning
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