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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. I love Collie/Greyhound. The only thing I find is finding a really good working Greyhound than you do a Whippet. Shame really they are a good dog in the field if they been schooled right. I have a soft spot for the old collie grey, but these days I think the modern saluki hybrids make a better choice than a straight greyhound
  2. Here you go, vet/dieticians review http://www.allaboutdogfood.co.uk/search-all-about-dog-food.php?q=skinners&submit=
  3. this place just gets dafter with every passing day. I would say "roll on the season" but many wouldn't have a clue.
  4. they have over priced it to reduce numbers even further than they usually are when up north. The poor turn out will justify not venturing up this way in future
  5. If we are talking lurchers here, I would expect most lurchers to let go of whatever its got hold of on command. Even when they were worked on large quarry and stuff that bit back, once I had a good hand on the dogs collar, I want it to let when told. Even if what ever its opponent was was not dead. Some have taken a little more persuading than others in certain circumstances though, but never needed a break stick
  6. I'll be there on the saturday, got a new gun to pick up. But I'll probably end up buying alsorts of shit I dont need as well!
  7. if another dog comes up to your leaded dog and attacks it, its obviously the other dogs (owners) fault, as its not under control. The moment you whip out your break stick, you enter a grey area. It would then be up to you to defend your actions and your dogs temperament. don't blame me I dont make the rules up! muzzle the dog and wear steel toe caps if you get that worried about it.
  8. it could be argued that the reason that you are carrying a breakstick is that you KNOW the dog is likely to attack another dog. Which is tantamount to admitting the dog is dangerous.
  9. The sled dogs I saw in Norway seemed to be quite mixed in appearance, and whilst husky-like they obviously had a first dollop of a collie type dog in them, and physically , at least appeared to make a very suitable option for a rough and ready 1st x lurcher
  10. Last seen 2 weeks ago. shame really
  11. We don't all partake in fox hunting, but my stand point is that they are the front line in protecting hunting and fishing in this country. Unity is the only way, if you think for a second that your sport won't be next you're very much mistaken, and if we fail at protecting our country pursuits 20 years down the line anglers might be saying exactly what you are now about your sport. Guns have their flaws and its generally the folk behind the trigger, i've used owned shotguns and shot rifles plenty , I've also born witness to incompetence behind the trigger, and a friend of mine gets plenty of c
  12. Is it £4.99 a month when included in the Sky adult package?
  13. Cocker, I'm all for a repeal of the ban, but the pictures some of the lads are sticking up on those groups just wont help the cause
  14. I've a pair of Leica geovids 10x42, and they are absolutely superb. expensive but I have never regretted the cost. They shade the very old pair of Swarovski's that I have in terms of image quality and they are lighter, partly due to the lack of the Leica's range finder
  15. It's just over a acre, and its ball breaking. My grandad taught me as well, they have a lot to answer for
  16. So do i mate thats why i chose to do it for a living. Ive sheared what i gathered down this morning so im going up to the top end of the fell in the morning to get another stock of sheep to shear. just finished shearing the last of ours tonight. last hour by head lights of the truck. that many midge bites, I look like the feckin' elephant man. cold beer time How many did you get done yesterday? we only did 45. But got one of those calls this morning. The type you should say know to, but never do. Do you do much shearing? No, not really. maybe 150 or so a year. Your doing fine then if you
  17. So do i mate thats why i chose to do it for a living. Ive sheared what i gathered down this morning so im going up to the top end of the fell in the morning to get another stock of sheep to shear. just finished shearing the last of ours tonight. last hour by head lights of the truck. that many midge bites, I look like the feckin' elephant man. cold beer time How many did you get done yesterday? we only did 45. But got one of those calls this morning. The type you should say know to, but never do. Do you do much shearing? No, not really. maybe 150 or so a year.
  18. So do i mate thats why i chose to do it for a living. Ive sheared what i gathered down this morning so im going up to the top end of the fell in the morning to get another stock of sheep to shear. just finished shearing the last of ours tonight. last hour by head lights of the truck. that many midge bites, I look like the feckin' elephant man. cold beer time How many did you get done yesterday? we only did 45. But got one of those calls this morning. The type you should say know to, but never do.
  19. That , is the finest summation I have ever read. How come in the last couple of decades I have never read/seen it before?
  20. just chuck some Gyphosphate in, kills all known weeds
  21. So do i mate thats why i chose to do it for a living. Ive sheared what i gathered down this morning so im going up to the top end of the fell in the morning to get another stock of sheep to shear. just finished shearing the last of ours tonight. last hour by head lights of the truck. that many midge bites, I look like the feckin' elephant man. cold beer time
  22. are you talking about the gas powered ones? was looking online, they was asking £500! too rich for me mate jesus, the wife never told me that! i'll make sure she shows a little more appreciation
  23. Stunning ground up there squire. I love watching dogs move sheep in wild country
  24. But will they stand up for hare coursing? probably not. But if they are calling the police out to you, I can only surmise that you don't have permission to be on the land, same as it was before the ban. Lifting the ban won't change that. just saying
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