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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. Whilst we all know what we mean by a running dog or a longdog is, the majority of the general public do not. If we are to stand a chance of improving public opinion of lurcher work, it may be more useful to use terminology that the public are familiar with. Lurcher. Alan pointed out that there is the public perception of lurchers being connected with poaching, but any club member or representative would have agreed to work within a code of conduct which excludes poaching. A key cornerstone of the new "alliance" would be to uphold and defend the values laid down in that code. And one of the mai
  2. Whilst we all know what we mean by a running dog or a longdog is, the majority of the general public do not. If we are to stand a chance of improving public opinion of lurcher work, it may be more useful to use terminology that the public are familiar with. Lurcher. Alan pointed out that there is the public perception of lurchers being connected with poaching, but any club member or representative would have agreed to work within a code of conduct which excludes poaching. A key cornerstone of the new "alliance" would be to uphold and defend the values laid down in that code.
  3. That's why I would want 3/4 ugly dogs try harder. Well I think its dogs? there again...................Didn't actually see it said ugly on my phone, I would want the best speed i could get, how is it with accelerating? Accelerates like a ferarri. Stops like a tug boat
  4. you can put unicorns on it if you like. Its whats behind the banner that matters.
  5. That's why I would want 3/4 ugly dogs try harder. Well I think its dogs? there again...................
  6. Used to be one at Woolley. Don't know if it's still going
  7. I've got one and I have seen him do plenty that a most whippets would struggle to do on a regular basis. But I've also seen him fail at stuff that most whippets would do in their sleep. Dogs for jobs and all that
  8. Possibly EU grants that may be available Tried, but they wouldn't give me any
  9. Don't forget, what is written in that article is just guidance. Not law. It does need amending to include the use of dogs for legal rabbit control. Anyway, I've never met a farmer who would look for guidance on anything
  10. The ALC has had its day. What can be learned from those who have been involved since it's inception is invaluable. The benefits of being allied to one of the national organisations are multitude. Thrashing issues out on line will just get us nowhere. Sort out a working party. Thrash things out, and agree face to face. then take it to the CA, or whoever. I've got time on my hands, and worked in sales and marketing for 20 odd years. If you need any help, count me in
  11. I had looked at one of the others, but I'm no fan of white potato, and its starch. for dogs. Vegetable proteins are less suitable than animal based proteins, and beet pulp, whilst providing fibre, is little more than a bulking agent. I also like to see a minimum of 50% "proper" meat content. But its each to their own. At least their customer services were respectful.
  12. one look at the ingredients should tell you that dodger!
  13. Them show type dogs never seem to pick up any injuries. I've seen folk turn up with a van full, and not a mark or hobble on one of them. They are our future.
  14. What you thinking about mate, I gonna be after a pup soon, not after one of you lol just being nosey I know a somebody who keeps GSD x collies. they have been line bred for a number of generations with the occasional outcross to either of the two breeds. Tney excel as all round farm dogs, and have been successful small holders dog. Herding, guarding, beating and even gundog work. Not as demanding as a pure collie and less sensitive, without the physical problems that the GSD can suffer. Turning out about 23 to 25" they are good solid dogs. I know one has gone over a very greyhoundy type of lu
  15. No worries, a few if's, buts and maybe's along the way. And then need to find a good strong coursing dog
  16. What you thinking about mate, I gonna be after a pup soon, not after one of you lol just being nosey I know a somebody who keeps GSD x collies. they have been line bred for a number of generations with the occasional outcross to either of the two breeds. Tney excel as all round farm dogs, and have been successful small holders dog. Herding, guarding, beating and even gundog work. Not as demanding as a pure collie and less sensitive, without the physical problems that the GSD can suffer. Turning out about 23 to 25" they are good solid dogs. I know one has gone over a very greyhoundy type o
  17. the herding dog x performance bred saluki coursing dog do leave a very definite stamp of a dog. And I have neither seen nor heard any consistent bad feedback about them. I know which way my next "big dog" will be bred. I just need to find the right base breed. I'm not in any rush though
  18. every dog can have its day, but one swallow never made a summer. A dogs capability and legacy is written in a lifetime of graft. Where, how and on what quarry is up to its owner. And their honesty.
  19. So do I, but a good fen dog will catch quick, yet if old puss decides to head out onto big, heavy land a lamping dog will be found lacking, especially a few runs in
  20. Ant, best to fire the bottom barrel first. As it's in a more direct line with your shoulder, you will get less muzzle flip. If you need to get onto target you'll have an increased chance of doing so. A small difference, but can make all the differencei don't usually need a second shot ;-p lol no seriously I think the only reason I shoot top barrel first is because it's easier to take out the top cartridge if you've only fired one or swap cartridges if you spot Charlie etc I must admit to sometimes shooting the top barrel first on some driven shoots. Especially when the peg dictates single s
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