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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. useful company http://richardcarterltd.co.uk
  2. No more, or less than Hancock's I guess that's a dig at me? Did you read my post? Not a dig at all. It's just a general observation that could be levelled at many of us when we get an idea in our heads
  3. They could make good hill keepers dogs. But an interesting start for a breeding project in the future.
  4. I'd like to see somebody have one of these and give it some graft. See how they perform.
  5. All lurcher shows are little more than a beauty contest. Always have been, always will be. And like any beauty contest, the outcome will always be subjective. Those leggy birds may catch the eye of many a judge, but I prefer the ones that look like they could look after themselves in a tight corner.
  6. wellies are easier to keep, but if day in, day out wearing your feet will fall to bits. especially if they are neoprene lined. down side is needing 2 pairs of boots, one wearing one drying out. I'd rather do that.......can't remember last time I wore willies, I don't even own a pair :-) Not something I'd openly admit, but each to their own.
  7. wellies are easier to keep, but if day in, day out wearing your feet will fall to bits. especially if they are neoprene lined. down side is needing 2 pairs of boots, one wearing one drying out.
  8. just pray that when you are dead, she doesn't sell 'em for what you told her you bought 'em for!
  9. all that cash coming in. she should get her feckin' hair done.
  10. the "one dog rule" is not a rule, but a recommendation. The main point is that you work your dogs within the current laws.
  11. Do you have any ideas for this ? At the minute our aim is preparing for the meeting with the CA . From there things will happen quickly. drop me a line with your thoughts. cheers robPM sent. I was thinking mugs, tshirts, keyrings etc. Lots of printing companies out there at the moment and I think it's a pretty competitive market so should be able to source at reasonable prices. if we can find a company or person sympathetic to our cause, especially in the early days, that would be even better It would indeed are you volunteering to find that holy grail?
  12. to grass or not, depends on where you stand, and how strong your moral compass is.
  13. Do you have any ideas for this ? At the minute our aim is preparing for the meeting with the CA . From there things will happen quickly. drop me a line with your thoughts. cheers rob PM sent. I was thinking mugs, tshirts, keyrings etc. Lots of printing companies out there at the moment and I think it's a pretty competitive market so should be able to source at reasonable prices. if we can find a company or person sympathetic to our cause, especially in the early days, that would be even better
  14. We have to represent ourselves. We do it through our actions, words and staying true to our core beliefs. The whole point of the lurcher association is to create a united front, so those that we choose to be our political allies have faith that we are worth more than just our words.
  15. there is another post that can be commented on. If you have anything to add feel free. We intended the locked topic to act as an update, where the information would not get lost in drawn out threads. Which is what happened on Giro's original thread. The open topic gives anyone the right to add their thoughts and opinions. If any body has something that they want to add at this early stage, then feel free. Any percieved lack of feedback is not because of secrecy, but because we are busy preparing, so that those who value the lurcher and its work have a chance to be recognised. Next weeks m
  16. I hope giro doesn't mind me copying his opening post. With the recent proposed Amendment going on hold & a few related posts and topics on here.. Its got me thinking and most likely a few others. I've touched upon the subject with some like minded friends, however I am unsure how it can and will all pan out.. I'd personally feel disappointed if, there was missed opportunities. I might not of captured the poll quite right .. If not, just share your views on the thread.. I've contacted The CA before and to be fair, I never received the response I wanted...
  17. Haha, knew you was an armchair hunter! It's a damn sight easier than poddling about on a bottomless fen that's for sure
  18. Had a quick half hour with the pup last night. 3 from 5. Not bad for a little ratching mutt on its third time on the lamp. Let her out for a pee not long since. Turns back up at the kitchen door with one of them other rabbits 15 minutes later. Bugger lamping. Ratching dogs all the way for me !
  19. 4 people attended the meeting one had pulled out prior to the meeting, one of these said he was dissapointed more did nt turn up? So who knew about this meeting and venue that took place? I certainly did not see an announcement did I miss it? Y.I.S Leeview Leeview, When this opportunity first came about, due to the actions of firstly Giro and then Dewclaw, there was a general consensus on this (visible) forum that a steering committee of 5 people would be the way to get things started. 5 were agreed on, based upon those who offered to help try and get this off the ground. For a nu
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