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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. Any reasonable lurcher should be able to catch rabbits in most places. The specialist, to me, is one that can do that, but excels in one particular area of its trade. These days, I like a dog to hunt, catch and retrieve, rather than run a beam or stand over a netted bury. The ones that Ive found do best at that all have a good dash of collie in there. But I am biased
  2. I have just posted this on Moochers. I will repost here. After a topic on THL about a need for the support of the modern working Lurcher started by moomin (giro)off here, a group of like minded individuals started emailing emailing amongst themselves as to the best way forward. Alan Tyers of the ALC was amongst that group, having being reingnited by Snatch (Flynn) off here, way back in July when rumours of an amendment arose. It was decided that as Tim Bonner of the CA had offered the chance of a chat about the future of lurchers and the CA, that a steering group was the way forward. Who d
  3. Text her to confirm that she will pay for the damage caused by your dogs on friday. Her answer is in writing and you can then use that is admission of guilt. Just dont make your text sound all formal or cross, she may suss what you're up to. Good luck, and hope the dogs okay.
  4. The second rule of poaching club, is never write an on line confession. Or ask for 20 other offences to be taken into consideration.
  5. Thats the price you pay. For breaking the law. And for being a bleeding idiot. Sorry about the dog though. It's a hard lesson, but learn from it.
  6. Cheers mate. Squirrels I've caught the odd one, but I use them mostly for rats around ponds etc, especially where a fenn would be too submerged at times to work. I must admit to having launched a few 110's into davey jones locker in frustration
  7. What was your stabilizer as your box was only notched at one side There's only one spring so it wouldn't matter if the notch was at both sides. I use two screws as stabilisers. are the screws in the roof? Ive been using 110's and struggled. plenty of pass throughs, but nowhere near the success I have with fenns.
  8. A very good post. And I quite agree. If you wanted to achieve similar now, I would say that as great as an article in a fieldsports publication is for targeting a certain section of society, in order to target the young folk we are talking about, a social media savvy approach would be best. You will get far more success via you tube, Facebook and twitter than any other way. It is a means to get to any kid anywhere, and promote your message 24/7. . . . wherever they are. But it needs doing well. Absolutley Jai, I'll be honest, how to get it out there... Well, plenty will know more than me
  9. Which 1 is everyone supporting There is only one. So whats the AWL that AT is involved in and has written an article about in the CMW That is THE one
  10. They are obliged to represent it's members. The more members the more they have to listen and act. The finer details will be relayed by any committee member in the future.
  11. A club is only as good as it's members. to succeed it needs people to join and get behind it, not leave it and speculate what could have been.
  12. Absolutely. the more that join, the bigger the voice. The more they have to listen, and stand up for their members (oooer!) I see any new lurcher group working with the CA. We use their wish to represent us as a force for us. If they don't, take our membership elsewhere
  13. Why are you resorting to threats,blasphemy and more expletives is that it?! I am fully engaged for a debate, but you are a dodging thingy.
  14. Jesus was a carpenter. And he got crucified for spouting bollocks. The choice is yours
  15. with a name like woodsman and spouting that sh#t, you best give your head a shake. Actually it is woodman no s between the d and the m.Why do you disagree,let us hear your views minus the expletives. in various phases in my life if have worked, or wondered on estates that release pheasants for sport. When selling a days shooting, lets look at an average price of £30 a bird. you would be lucky to get £1 at times for a pheasant at the butchers/game dealers etc. so lets, as you suggest, sack off pheasant shooting and just have an elaborate clay shooting place. No need to rear/relea
  16. with a name like woodsman and spouting that sh#t, you best give your head a shake.
  17. Rebranding is an acceptance of a need for change, nothing else.
  18. just to keep everybody up to date. The meeting with The Countryside Alliance on Wednesday went really well. Tim Bonner has agreed that more needs to be done by them to publicly support lurcher work, and that it needs to distance itself from the kind of guff that gets posted on Facebook and such like. As such Penny Taylor is writing an article on lurcher work for the next CA members magazine. And it is envisaged that this will be be the first of many, by a number of authors. Beyond this he will look for opportunities to promote lurchers and lurcher work both within the sporting and mainstr
  19. have you tried the endurance one ? Not to date, but if you are unsure , call the guy on the helpline. I'm sure he can direct you to what may be a better choice
  20. the younger dogs are on the salmon and veg, or hunter most of the year. When they are in hard work they move over to the ultima, or just add game and lamb to keep the fat content up. They are launching a new high performance one very soon too. I cannot recommend this company and there approach to complete food enough.
  21. I've been feeding it for the last year. It ticks a lot of boxes as far as quality and content of it. They even have a direct number to ring for advice if your dog has particular dietry issues. It is costly, but you feed around a 25 -30% less than normal. As the dogs get into more work through the season, I add more raw meat, rather than increase the volume of complete tht I feed. All 5 dogs have thrived on it, and the variety they have, for different circumstances makes it a very flexible product. Oh and the delivery service is excellent
  22. I've got to agree with all said. Easy to keep, but a bugger to keep in or catch. Taste great, just not enough of it. Be a bit of fun if you are just rearing it for your own table. By the way, they are not from Bolton are they? Just that somebody there offered me some last week
  23. Nice to see you back Andy. But you need to take something out of Owld Don, Before it's too late. Fate can be a vicious mistress
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