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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. I've never had one of mine stalk on the lamp. Though they have learned to run cunning, which I do admire. All have self entered to edible quarry before 9 months and its never caused them to jack. Having said that, I have only had one which I would class as a fox dog and that was back in the late '90's. the rest have run them and did a job but those self preserving genes have seen a bit of arse grabbing and teeth fencing. But I never kept them for that job. Its interesting that someone mentioned the popularity/success of collie/bull crosses. The dogs I have seen that have been bred down fr
  2. I wouldnt say the cross was favoured as such, most were accidents. Though in fairness there were few sheep where we grew up and a dedicated herding dog was not needed. Just a more hard headed dog to shift cattle and keep undesirable vans off the yard. The collies were adept at it but the cur bred dogs always seem more stable in that role. And being from Yorkshire, they were cheep
  3. We grew up with collies and collie based mongrels, we just knew of them as farm dogs. They were mostly collie, but had splashes of lab, gsd, terrier to name but a few. They worked mostly cattle, guarded like demons and I don't seem to remember them getting ill or severely injured (unless it killed them). They looked almost like collies, and today I would class them as collie curs. I've had 3 lurchers that have been bred with such "collie curs" ideals, and they have all left a lasting impression. Not always for the good, but lasting all the same. What are other peoples views on the what a c
  4. Are you taking the elephants?!
  5. good old lurcher to lurcher bred. Get it as a pup and rear it like a gundog. Live in each others shadows.
  6. yeah the 7x57 seems to come up again and again as a good all round deer calibre but some reason there doesn't seem to be many on here that claim to shoot them and obviously I'd like to hear of first hand experience. I maybe shouldn't discount.308 as a calibre, perhaps I just don't like my brothers gun lol the trigger seems really heavy to me, the recoil/muzzle flip seems over the top (even with a moderator on) and it weighs a ton after after a few hours lugging the thing around lol I have shot a .270 without a mod and that didn't seem as bad as his .308? But I'd still like something with the r
  7. 6.5 x 55 is a cracker of an all rounder and will stabilise a wide range of bullet weight. I have friends who swear by the 25-06, but they do reload have a look at a 7 x 57 if you can find one though. Its a beaut of a deer calibre
  8. does a 3/4 reverse bred bull x class itself as an Alaunt?
  9. They claim it is their right to shoot them and that shooting is closely monitored. With that right come responsibility. If the refuse to be responsible, they should loose that right.
  10. No. plain and simple.
  11. to the east to the west dog run
  12. They may only be small pastures, but we are all experts in our own fields. If you get caught on the wrong side of the fence, be prepared to be taught a lesson. And take it with good grace.
  13. I have a pair of Leica's and Swarovski's, As good as they are, I've had a few peeps through a pair of Vortex Razors that a friend had bought whilst in the US and they were nigh on as good. Only a lack of sharpness at the edge of the image and in the last few minutes of light gave the difference.
  14. When you drop on a good one they are just the ticket for the ferreting and ratching job. Finding a good one is another matter. For lamping on rough ground the lack of height is a handicap at times, And I'd pick a grew over a pure whippet for that reason.
  15. I think a golden retriever 1st cross would be a decent dog, they should be fast enough to catch a rabbit, hopefully have the brains passed on decent coat, and a natural want to retrieve.. WHAT?? Golden retriever s are as much use as a chicken with tits I dont think other bodies such as police, armed services, guide dogs for the blind, and the odd one or two that still use them as gun dogs would agree.... I know a couple up here that pick up at the grouse and pheasants 4-5 days a week during the season and they work a line of working retrievers and they are very very average you name on
  16. they said that about the bullx and the salukix way back when. I think its just human nature to try and "discover" something new or just to be different. Personally, I like many of these primitive herding/farm dogs believe that they may have something different to add to the lurcher gene puddle.
  17. I do like the look of him! Some of the continental "herding" breeds could throw some handy/interesting animals. would you happen to have any pictures of the dam and sire?
  18. perfect example of what Iv been on about for ages. U can have best parents in the world but doesn't mean jack shit. Especially when people tend to only breed from a lurcher once maybe twice to keep one back. True, all breeding is a gamble, but if I was gambling my own money I'd rather play with a deck of cards that were stacked in my favour.
  19. If you have 1/2 cross and 3/4 cross, work both alongside each other and see what works best for you. As a lack of new blood is an issue, cross the 1/2x with the 3/4 and be prepared to cull hard. All the best collie x dogs I've known have been closely bred and well tested
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