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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. I've tried painting her back bedroom a few times over the years, but she's not interested! that doesn't sound right mate, or is it just me No its not just you. Its you and her. Are you sisters
  2. I've just noticed that there's a bit of Rodger Decoursey and Nookie Bear going on in the picture with the red background!
  3. She finds it to stressful. She done a handful of pictures for other people of their dogs or horses and it makes her a pain in the arse to live with.
  4. A couple of sketches she's done of my now geriatric collie cur
  5. I've tried painting her back bedroom a few times over the years, but she's not interested!
  6. Cheers guys, she's done a few of my dogs over the years, but this one surprised me. Here's one she did a couple of years back of my collie
  7. I can cover most angles, but draw the line at plumbing and electrics.
  8. How come she can paint this, but refuses to even lift a roller in the spare bedroom
  9. go knock one out in the portaloo, and crack on with the job she is paying you to do.
  10. I've seen non coursing bred Lurchers catch Hares from a fair distance away when out for a mooch.You would have i ve seen the longest slips for salukis that most dogs wouldnt even attempt tp get on terms, its not a contest between breeds of dog, its dog against hare on any particular day no matter want slant people want to put on itNot just me, the people I've been out with. Most dogs with anything about them would attempt to get on terms.I know different about dogs trying to get on terms I have been out with lads on here who couldnt even see what I had slipped on. I rely on my dogs sight they
  11. If a saluki only brought huge amounts of stamina to the table, it would be a shit saluki.
  12. Any takers.... same as any even match, it depends on who lady luck is looking down on.
  13. so it's not just your shoulder thats fecked!
  14. Well written db. But again, and I've said this in the past a few times, you've written the 'sport' when it comes to hunting. Hunting is hunting, not sport, and the sooner people stop using the word 'sport' the better. I know the majority of people partaking in working dog activities etc use the word 'sport', as in 'fieldsports' etc, but we're doing ourselves no favours by continuing to use that word, it's hunting, in whatever form. Doesn't mean you still can't take pride in your dog/dogs if they work well etc, but using the word 'sport' says to all those opposed to hunting that we're doing
  15. 99% of lurcher owners have meat in a freezer,a lamp,and dogs in a kennel,the one show should be boycotted for a story that wasnt a story,where do they dredge that crap up from? and 99% of lurcher owners dont brag about it or film it. Well I'd like to think not, but............... Jobs on its knee's
  16. me too. It needs a national "body" to ask for them to make accurate representation of the working lurcher and its legalities.
  17. the countryside alliance should be all over this. Driven by the AWL.
  18. the lad brought it on himself. sent down for being a bloody idiot. the plod didnt have to look far for his activities, he published most of it on facebook. And some on here too if memory serves me right.
  19. put some cornflour in with its grub, help thicken things up a bit.
  20. Ebenezzer, think of him as the "ghost of Christmas yet to pass"
  21. I'm not one for making instant decisions, but you sonny have proved yourself to be a prick.
  22. i was hunting over 30 years ago i wish i had taken a lot more pictures .just to look back on seen some good dogs in action time dims the memory in my case anyway .atb. The crux of that statement Darbo, is that you would like them to refresh your own memories, little else.
  23. I've never been overly keen on taking pictures of the bag, whether it be hunting, shooting or fishing. I have the odd few over the last few decades, but I have never felt the need to publish them. In the current climate, why the hell would you want to publish them in the public domain? on line electronic/digital imagery is so easily pinched and misused! And if you really need pictures to prove you and yours ability to perform in the field, may I suggest that you take up a different type of "dogging".
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