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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. Mostly local, but still have some permission 40 miles or so away, only run that daytime though. Can lamp literally off the back doorstep. often have to shift deer on before letting dogs out. Chrlie never last long on this ground
  2. I have had 2 from lurcher link. Not sure, but think they also have a no kenneling policy. Give Kaye at LL a ring and I am sure she will point you in the right direction. She is no bunny hugger, that I can assure you.
  3. Cheers all. He is coming along well, but as a replacement for old Meg he has some big boots to fill - and a freezer
  4. Took on a rescue lurcher early December, to replace the gap in the pack left by the loss of a grumpy old cur. This lad is at a guess collie/bull x grey/saluki/whippet, but its anyones guess. I liked the look of the lad and he has a nature that wants to please. I have spent the last 6 weeks getting some condition on him and working on the basics of recall and stock steadyness. A couple of daytime mouchers with the others have shown his steady side. he is eager to please, but seemed to lack drive. no sign of following the beam when let out in the garden. took him for our first night on
  5. Tidy work, even for a couple of lasses
  6. What a set of cnuts. Will keep an eye open between Bolton and Darwen. Hope you get them back
  7. Have a Beddy whippet x colie whippet. Great little rabbit and rat dog. strike like lightning and the heart of a lion. More fire than she needs for her size, could not imagine mouching without her stamp of dog in the mix 20" tts and 35lbs. too small for charlie on regular basis, but it aint stopped her trying. Going up a size with using grey rather than whippet should solve that.
  8. Have a Beddy whippet x colie whippet. Great little rabbit and rat dog. strike like lightning and the heart of a lion. More fire than she needs for her size, could not imagine mouching without her stamp of dog in the mix 20" tts and 35lbs. too small for charlie on regular basis, but it aint stopped her trying. Going up a size with using grey rather than whippet should solve that.
  9. all the best to you both, she looks a tough critter and am sure will fight back
  10. great to hear of you again Molly, Us scallywags should stick together Yorkie
  11. Merry Christmas one and all. May your dogs come back in one piece and your spades stay clean. Trenchfoot
  12. I have had 3 rescue lurchers over the last decade or so. First one most people would not have looked twice at, yet she were a good grafter. Found her wandering on our shoot, kept her and she kept me. Next one was being dumped at a game fair because he couldn't sell her. Well its been a cracking rabbit dog and is used beating on shoots. Just taken in a third rescue, who shows the potential to keep the numbers down of bigger vermin and game on the farm. I dont have a problem of folk breeding dogs to better the line. But if they are that good that they are worth breeding from then they shoul
  13. a free 'un that dont eat a lot!
  14. its what dogs do, hunting up is not coursing! If you didn't like it on the site you saw it, then maybe you should have commented then, not tittle tattle behind closed doors!
  15. collie whippet x beddie whippet, great little rabbit dog, nearly 4 and just hitting her prime saluki/greyhound - bull/whippet x 1/4 collie/3/4 greyhound, just taken him on to replace collie greyhound, showing promise on being a good moorland dog
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