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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. I stopped using BB for fox a few years back for exactly the same result as this. The pattern is almost non existant beyond 25 yards. I have seen the pattern land all around a stationary fox only for it to scoot off untouched. The 3 1/2" magnum loads may make up a bit but I would stick to number 3 shot in as big a load as you or your gun can handle. Save the BB for what its best at, injured quarry close up, in cover.
  2. Our lass used to fly fish, then we got married and she hung up my rod!
  3. DDA mentions pit bull type. The Am Staff varies very little genetically from the APBT, and the ATTS belieces that there are only minute differences temperment wise between the 2. So dont think that they would differentiate in law. Unless he meant Am bulldog. We never heard the lad say that it was a am bull terrier. Maybe that the copper was prompted to say that by the program makers!?
  4. trenchfoot


    Does he still clean the chimneys or is he too old for that now Moo? No Moll hes scared of hieghts I've a flue in the bungalow that needs doing, should manage that
  5. Fantastic mate how long did you ahve to wait for that!? or was it a lucky moment? Cheers, got a few in sequence over a time, knew where the nesting site was so that hleped a lot..but overall, about 3 weeks work there.. Frustrating buggers arn't they. the time is worth it though! I obviously need to spend more of it on the job though. I will get closer eventually!
  6. Fantastic mate how long did you ahve to wait for that!? or was it a lucky moment?
  7. Crap film! Not real dog men........ none of 'em are wearing Realtree.. Or trackie and trainers!
  8. forrester everytime. tried everything to kill mine and failed. never got stuck, and when it comes to rough lanes not much else would see which where it went. which can be handy at times. Only swapped it for a landy as need something to tow heavy traillers off road. Wish I had kept it to be honest
  9. looks like one of them malamute Xs to me
  10. Once entered my old collie x into a hunt charity lurcher race. It was held on a rambled old farm. First race she ran sideways straight to the finishing line and waited for the lure. Second time around tried winding her up with said furry washing up bottle. Told them all to stand back as she was going to fly this time, as she looked wired and focused. Slipped her and she shot off and grabbed a chicken from under a shed! Despite bringing back unharmed I took an immense amount of piss taking
  11. if you completed the survey, then prepare yourself for a shitload of Spam e-mails
  12. I don't have a problem with appropriate use a shock collar. In the right hands and right circumstances they can be literally life savers (explain that to the yogurt nitters!). However hes obviously had the collar for a while on this dog, If it keeps escaping, and or ignoring it then its not working. Which should have been a signal to try and find other methods of containing or training the dog. For 2 grand he could have built a decent fence, or that most complex of devices, a bloody chain!
  13. Oh the benefits of having a mentor back then. Thats why I still go alone............. 'cos then no one can see you fcuk up Once stuck a leg out to block a rabbit coming straight past me, nearly took my bloody foot off and and to hobble home like a fecking cripple
  14. try colliecurs site! no slagging on there
  15. You might want to rephrase that . . . Why?!
  16. 26" will be fine , but I think that if you are new to the sport they may be more of a handicap. the short light barrels are very fast in their handling characteristics. Easy to start swinging and equally easy to stop. You may find that you end up poking at birds, and another couple of inches in length will bring more satisfactory results.
  17. depends on how much shit you are going to put them through. a well proven pair of waterproof glasses pay for themselves 4times over. If its for general glassing and something with a big objective lens makes most sense. they are cheep and if bust wont break your heart. If you want true definition then the extra dough makes a difference in light transmission and image quality. Advice is buy the best you can afford, in a spec that suits what you need them for. The internet is great for finding bargains. just be mindful of what you actually need! Nikon's are good value for money IMHO throu
  18. its windy, its raining. bring on the season, I am sick of eating UFO's

  19. We have an equine massage course running on our yard this weekend. Cannot believe that you have to have a vets consent! especially as you dont need a Dr's consent for a human massage.
  20. I believe there was a hint of sarcasm when he said the bitch is not worked. I may have missed out on the hint of sarcasm, but what I didn't pas me by is the load of shit spouted by folk wanting to peddle their dogs
  21. the dog may be fit as fcuk,and fair play to the lad for keeping it that way. but its never been tested, so it isn't fit to breed from. Turning out a litter every 2 years to give it a break! I bet a pound to a pinch of shit that over 3/4 of the stock from this bitch, are just expense pot lickers Working dogs need to be bred from proven working dogs. The breeding of litters just for the cash is the death knell of the working lurcher. The sooner tossers like this find another fad the better
  22. fecking hell! leave it be will you. if someone wants to breed a line of lurchers based upon good stock in the past then let 'em do it. If they were to keep the entire line themselves and keep it pure then you would slate 'em. If they bred what they needed then sold some on let 'em. you would call 'em peddlers. its strikes me that Minshaw lines had a name based upon Vics dogs in the past and thats it. whats in a name? If the majority of dogs off this line do the goods for their owners then good for them. if they decide to outcross to make up for lacking in that line fair play to them. tha
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