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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. how do you make photobucket pictures appear bigger on screen. mine come up too small to view properly when posted?
  2. it doesnt look marked up at all ,so if they did top marks They chewed its front legs clean off!
  3. Always better to have memories than evidence. Silly Sod
  4. I walked a mile in this lads shoes many years ago. And yes knocking the Fcuk out of 1 or 2 of them stops them. But only for a while until their mates turn up. Its not just the physical side of bullying that impacts, mentally it screws you. School do nowt. cannot tell anyone at home 'cos you get a crack for being a whimp. Where do you go then. Only when you have been sat with a rope round your neck, staring into a dark abyss will you ever know how sad and lonley a lad like that feels. It left me a twisted nasty cnut for years. and after school it never happened again because of that.
  5. to be that fast he must be a Polish plummer
  6. nice plumber we have one make fantastic ratters and bushing dogs That's Rudi, 1/2 x bull lurcher, I believe
  7. What deer did ye run before the ban whin ?? Reindeer.. Rudolph, dancer, blitzen you name it he's killed it. The guys full of shit. FTB must be why books late. Whin has put S.Claus couriers out of business
  8. i think that went over some folks heads mate Not half. Probably never heard of Plummer
  9. I got "Merle - Start of a dynasty" by Plummer. There was a dent in the front cover and I cried my fecking eyes out for days!
  10. dont wear a flat surfaced material such as cotton against the inside of the jacket. They don't allow the moisture transfer through to the outside. a thin fleece as the first layer allow more airflow and greater moisture transfer and reduces condensation on the inside of the jacket.
  11. get yourself over to Brid for a holiday. Nice and hot out that neck of the woods!
  12. If that's what you want to do and are so convinced the pups will turn out perfect, get on with it. Considering the amount of back flack you are receiving, how do you intend to deal with the rest of the litter, because by the sounds of it not many on THL would have one
  13. looks like Darcy is branching out into video documentaries.
  14. sounds like a mora frost knife to me. cannot go wrong at thrice the price. Bit on the big side for bunnies. Dont bother with a gut hook model, as usually on a buck knife they are at a poor angle to the blade to be effective, just learn to use the blade properly weve got some very big bunnies around here So have we, thats why I swear by mine
  15. sounds like a mora frost knife to me. cannot go wrong at thrice the price. Bit on the big side for bunnies. Dont bother with a gut hook model, as usually on a buck knife they are at a poor angle to the blade to be effective, just learn to use the blade properly
  16. I'm in Bolton, but sorry were full also. good luck with the move
  17. always alone these days, then there is no one to tell how crap they think your dogs are on here the next day.
  18. Try the working crunch. Normal kibble and my lurchers do fine on it. Sends the collie round the twist though!
  19. I have noted these crosses before and seem interesting, if not fully tested as a type. Their shaggy coat maybe too much, but I have wondered about a Beauceron x as an alternative. Not breeding just thinking about it. Anybody know if its been done before?
  20. a number of shooting estates in N Yorks have surveillance cameras on lanes that run through them. usually those that run off main A roads. Maybe a chance you have been clocked on these, especially if in your own vehicle. Just a thought.
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