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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. I'd quite happily set fire to Tony Blair and Ricky Gervais, then put the cnuts out with a shovel
  2. If you cannot tell, its the one at the front!
  3. Historically I have been a dyed in the wool collie man, and as such have always had collie based crosses. I have strayed from the path over recent years. Those collie lurchers with a dash of GOOD bull blood know how to keep their heads under pressure. It seems to take that nervy, deep thinking edge off the straight colliex which can sometimes be its downside. Why some people on here start crabbing different hounds like they are defending a bloody football team is beyond me. Its the same with the collie thread that running right now. We are all in the same boat. So is it not about time we
  4. This/ these laws are just taking the proverbial. Late yesterday afternoon, I sat looking down over land that I own with the dogs. The fields down the valley before me had 3 roe on one side, charlie crossing from right to left, a few rabbits hanging around the edges and enough rushes to hold an army of hares. The footpath at the bottom was like a berghaus catwalk. But could I slip my dogs. Maybe, but whereas before the ban I could walk these fields up without twitching like a virgin on a promise. My dogs, know no difference. Yet they have to kept on leads because some fecking do gooder would be
  5. He'd need to be, And even then he would be "Justin"
  6. Jesus, Fart and give us a clue love. I bet there is more yeast down there than Warburtons bakery
  7. Or on the other hand you pick one which isnt a top model, or in good shape, but you know will be reliable and not mess you about. are we talking about women now both the same. if you mount 'em wrong, they start kicking like hell, and then give you a slap on the cheek
  8. I agree with the fact that sometimes when you pick up a gun, they just feel right. But as a beginner knowing what feels "right" is not that easy. I myself have fallen for the light, lithe and beautiful model in the shop. Only to find I would have been better off with something far more "chunky". End up moving them on. Ya see, shotguns are just like women. Average ones are easy come, easy go. But when you find the right one, You know they are a "keeper"
  9. The O/U gives you a single sight plain as opposed to the triple one you can get with a sbs. The narrow gape on opening of the sbs quicker to load. With regards to recoil, the sbs will usually kick more due to lighter weight. But as mentioned, a good fit will minimise this to some extent. You cannot defy physics, so after a heavy session you will be more comfortable/fresher with a o/u. The recoil on a sbs also adds a twisting action due the barrels being mounted either side of the central line of the stock. I prefer to shoot a side by side as opposed to my heavier clay gun (Blaser Emporess)
  10. I agree. I am currently holding three shotguns (on my ticket)for a friend who had them confiscated. He tried to top himself, but knocked himself out instead. He won't get them back off me till a) he gets his ticket back (which wont take long) and till I believe him to be safe/sane again. I cannot stop him buying another when he gets his ticket, but as he is skint, I dont think thats an option. I was also his countersignatory 3 years ago, so feel somewhat at fault. therin lies the problem the day you sign you can only say it as it is but 3 years later who knows whats gone on, its a difficult
  11. I agree. I am currently holding three shotguns (on my ticket)for a friend who had them confiscated. He tried to top himself, but knocked himself out instead. He won't get them back off me till a) he gets his ticket back (which wont take long) and till I believe him to be safe/sane again. I cannot stop him buying another when he gets his ticket, but as he is skint, I dont think thats an option. I was also his countersignatory 3 years ago, so feel somewhat at fault.
  12. Well said. GP's aren't subject matter experts on mental health so I guess that proposal falls flat straight away. I believe that there are plans to change the GP/ SGC/FAC system. so that all GP's are informed if a patient has a certificate. Then they can inform authorities if anything crops up with a licensed patient. Downside is that if your GP is an anti they may well abuse the system to their own ends.
  13. GP's are not qualified to state whether one of their patients is fit to own a shotgun/firearms. They can only state what is relevant upon your medical records. They would also be unwilling to do so, as in cases such as we are discussing, they could be seen to be at fault for stating that person is fit and proper etc. In today's litigious society someone would try and sue their arse off. On a second point, any GP/or GP practice charges an applicant to countersign their licence is actually breaking the law. Financial gain would make that counter-signatory null and void. But many authorities
  14. It could also have the opersate affect and the dog could end up turning the next time it saw sheep. A few years ago someone i know of was recomended to do simler with their bull x, except it was with a small pony the dog was muzzled and tied to a fence - the pony kicked the s**t out of the dog, a week later the dog was allowed to be loose around that pony, lets just say that pony is very lucky to be alive, in the training of dogs there is no short cuts - you either do it properly or not at all. That dog wer'nt called Bracken by any chance?
  15. We have trees down, 1 across the lane. Bloody chainsaw in blunt as fxxxk. could ride bare arse to London on it
  16. on the same news bulletin, there was a report of a woman killed, and another wounded (i think) in a stabbing incident. not one mention of that being discussed in parliament. No mentioning of tightening up laws on the purchase of kitchen knives. The anti gun lobby will be at this like a dog eating beetroot. You cannot legislate for those rare nutters. If you criminalize guns. Only criminals will have guns. And that to me is a very scary situation
  17. If these fields get any wetter I am going to need a pike to go lamping latter!

  18. Jim, if you still need a hand stock breaking the young dog, I should have the sheep on again soon. But i'm not showing you the wifes growler! Cheers, Yorkie
  19. a pot umbrella stand, from mother in law. Will be turned into hardcore by easter. Clumsy bloody dogs
  20. Lacrosse Alfaburyl! Think thats how you spell it. Aigle Iso parcours are great when it bloody freezing, but will dissolve your feet any other time. Unless your just sat around your arse
  21. reptilian conga. the things you see when out and about, that will never be classed as evidence I wish I had never seen this thread, as I now have to go through a load of photos to up load to photobucket!
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