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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. 26" tts 25 kg. not too good on rats though
  2. defender 90 SW and BMW 635d Msport, DMS remapped to 350 bhp and 538 ftlb of torque. Not too good on rear tyres though
  3. nice riposte. like I said no personal judgement was made about you and your mates night out.
  4. He posted it for all to see. I just asked the question. Other people then go on to spout ill-informed diatribe. Seems like this forum needs a "special" members section.
  5. wind ya fecking neck in. If you don't know the rules of engagement, you will get your fingers burnt. I ain't jealous, Pleased for the lad on a good night out. and I have seen far worse posted on this forum. so chill
  6. deer should not be shot within an hour of sunrise & sunset. i think you googled the wrong deer act there,that law is in america not uk. You sure about? that or are you an expert? Taking or killing of deer at night. Subject to sections 6 and 8 below, if any person takes or intentionally kills any deer between the expiry of the first hour after sunset and the beginning of the last hour before sunrise, he shall be guilty of an offence. http://www.legislati...91/54/section/3 Oh Shit, broke the golden rule. DON'T POST EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!! fair juice,i hold my hands u
  7. deer should not be shot within an hour of sunrise & sunset. i think you googled the wrong deer act there,that law is in america not uk. You sure about? that or are you an expert? Taking or killing of deer at night. Subject to sections 6 and 8 below, if any person takes or intentionally kills any deer between the expiry of the first hour after sunset and the beginning of the last hour before sunrise, he shall be guilty of an offence. http://www.legislati...91/54/section/3 Oh Shit, broke the golden rule. DON'T POST EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!!!
  8. the OP sounded like a good night out and well done ShaunovDerby.I personally don't have a problem with any of the actions described. However, I wish folk would think twice before putting up statements and pictures of those facts that may add fuel turn certain fires. The deer act states that deer should not be shot within an hour of sunrise and sunset. yes they can be tracked with 2 dogs if known to be injured and dispatched appropriately. They can also be shot after dark if are damaging fencing. If munty are damaging fencing to that extent, shoot the bloke who put the bleeding fencing up. I'd
  9. well high lighted NOT Prick I'm not the one putting it out in public. I asked a question, not posted evidence
  10. Cheers Fella, Does all I could ask for, not bad for a cast off!
  11. Are you for real?? Dog fighting is what brought us the APBT! Without it the breed would have been just another useless showdog. I believe the sport shouldn't have been outlawed. if it was ran like the Japanese do it, with proper medical care and professional run clubs I can't see a problem. IMO it is no more cruel than any other hunting, at least with the dogs you have two willing combatants, the same cant be said for the likes of fox hunting! Dog fighting ain't hunting. It may have brought us paragons of game dogs that the APBT is, but I for one would never want hunting to be confused
  12. Are you for real?? Dog fighting is what brought us the APBT! Without it the breed would have been just another useless showdog. I believe the sport shouldn't have been outlawed. if it was ran like the Japanese do it, with proper medical care and professional run clubs I can't see a problem. IMO it is no more cruel than any other hunting, at least with the dogs you have two willing combatants, the same cant be said for the likes of fox hunting! Dog fighting ain't hunting. It may have brought us paragons of game dogs that the APBT is, but I for one would never want hunting to be confused
  13. look at this pic of charlie from last night on the lamp = please come and smash my back door in RSPCA, then i will tell you to get fecked. touch my dog and i will skull fck ya kids etc. I have the minerals. blah blah blah..............................
  14. tricky buggers to catch them Basset hounds. A real test of a dag!
  15. Ring Jeff Burrell, I am sure he will spare you a minute or two to enlighten you!
  16. payback for cutting its bloody ears off. PMSL
  17. cheers for the comments. Its a set of triplets, born out back of the house. They have been sunning themselves on the bank all week now, love watching them, but it makes me twitch for a slip lead. Maybe I am mellowing
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