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Everything posted by trenchfoot

  1. would you say that if you outcross, ie 50% your line. Then breed that outcross back to your line, then the offspring becomes the line again? Not arguing, just asking.
  2. When it works its line-breeding, when it goes wrong its in-breeding. Breed close and cull hard. And when culls outnumber workers its time for an outcross. JMO Yorkie
  3. The ban was debated long before the ban. Most of the stuff on t'internet is post ban. So it may not have had much to do with the ban coming in, but it sure as hell won't help get it overturned.
  4. Got a pair of these and love 'em. But how does the scan mode work?
  5. 2 on dogsblog.com at the moment. 4 months old if I remember correctly
  6. Do a search. there may have been a short thread somewhere on here
  7. busted! great shot, literally and metaphorically
  8. Bump. Has anything come of this? Also what about a 2% donation to Lurcherlink from the cost of each lurcher/lurcher pup sold on here to the charity. eg if you buy/sell a pup sold through THL ads, for £100, then a donation of £2 is passed on to LL. Small amount like this rack up over a year and could make a big difference to that organisation. Don't know how enforcable it would be, but just a thought.
  9. Markus Muhle. top stuff, and seems to compliment raw feeding very well.
  10. Holmfirth shooting school is shut. welcome to come to the Royal Oak Gunclub, Far side of Huddersfield from you. Shoot every other Sunday. PM me if you want, and I will speak to the Chairman for you
  11. It may work for dogs, but don't try it on the Mrs. She will just bite down harder. Unless you like that kinda thing, then fell free !
  12. where about in west Yorks. Try batley gun club. sunday morning 10.30 am
  13. Collie x 3/4 whippet/ 1/4 beddy. 19" TTS An indispensable part of the team
  14. prices they fetch these days, id call 'em a pint!
  15. some maybe members, but not signed in at that time. Often happens when reading the forum on an Iphone/pad etc.
  16. You have put it on an open forum, so you have made it open for debate. Given you have no permission to run a comp on then I can only conclude that your intend fence hopping. Nowt wrong with that, But best not done mob handed, even more so when you have put it up for ALL to see. Good luck Yorkie
  17. I agree. A busy day in the hide will knock 7 bells out of you with a side by side. and walking up with a s.auto will be too heavy and a break barrel is easier to prove safe when crossing fences etc. with regards to cartridge load, 30g for all round use is great. shot size of 6 is a good allround choice too. After years of playing around with chokes and loads for all British game, I have come to the following conclusion: 28g No7, cyl + 1/4 - 30 yards 30g No6, 1/4 +1/2 - 40 yards 32g No5, 1/2 + 3/4 - 50 yards 34g No4, 3/4 + full - 60 yards 36g No3, full + full/ex.full - 60 yards+ I
  18. Anybody tried firefighter boots? Leather, gortex lined, highly breathable and reinforced soles and toes. should take some stick and wont puncture like wellies.
  19. greys are stronger/bigger and drive them out. they also carry a virus that kills reds. either way they are fecked
  20. Great pics Fuji. With time they will start to wave back to you!
  21. Don't worry about the Baikal. They are short in the stock, and also have quite a lot of drop at heel. this leads to poor mount and a lot of muzzle flip. this results of which are a bruised cheek and sore shoulder. Being single barrel, it will also be fairly barrel light which will exacerbate this problem. lengthen the stock with a slip on pad and try a comb raiser to sort this issue out. The amount of choke a gun carries has a very limited impact on the level of recoil and compared with the other issues going on with the gun, boring the choke out will make feck all difference. If you do ge
  22. wear stillettos. keep ya on your toes
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