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Everything posted by ferrettom

  1. i use them never had a problem with them i get them from my local gun shop 99p each
  2. sorry to hear this mate, the same thing happend to me a few years ago, its heart breaking i no but keep ya chin up mate. tom
  3. pop round your neighbours house 9/10 they go straite for the neighbours garden good luck mate
  4. Hell everybody i would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all the people that have helped my son get some ferreting stuff after he was ripped of by that bitch tillytop, A BIG THANK YOU TO: Qbgrey for the 21 nets ade33uk for the ferret box (he loves it walkes around all day with it on) walshy0988 for the game bag (it should be hear soon) dogsbollocks58 for the 10 purse nets. THANKS GUYS REALY APRECIATE IT. FERRETTOM
  5. hello mate im in kings hill nr maidstone would love to come out for a few hours with you just let me know
  6. good pics mate im likeing the 3rd pic down
  7. yes and any other liquid they want to only if you give it to them i usally give them some and an egg after a days work
  8. i think the only way you will no what happend to her is by taking her to a vet for autopsy [spelling]
  9. good write up mate sounds like a good day. f/t
  10. try and rest him between warrens and give him a drink, but as others have said you cant expect him to work all day
  11. has anybody worked these or seen 1 work, would love to see a pic of the all black ones
  12. hello mate ime in kent and will defo get out of the pit just let me know mate, ime in the maidstone area!! ime very keen and whilling to help anyway i can, i have my own ferrets and locators, hopefully talk soon mate tom
  13. looks like you had a good day out mate, some lovely pics. thanks atb tom
  14. ime in kent [bANNED TEXT] near maidstone
  15. i get my jills injected to bring them out of season, not to exspensive either. atb tom
  16. sorry to hear that mate, sounds like the kitts are doing well though, atb mate tom
  17. i wpould love to mate just your just to far away from me
  18. no they dident come today probably tomorrow. thank you

  19. hello [bANNED TEXT] i use the mk3 coller with the mk 1 box not sure if that help the mk3 just gives of a slower clicking sound witch i find handy when working 2 ferrets u no what ferret your locating. atb tom
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