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Everything posted by dillydog

  1. I'm all over it FD ? I'm all but finished in the game, it's time to pass on the torch and let someone else have the headache. If we can leave it as good as we found it's not been a waste of time and effort.
  2. I always breed from the best bitch possible, if it was weak in size and bone I either wouldn't breed from it or I'd use a dog that might rectifythe problem. I've just bred out of a good strong bitch, the biggest in her litter, I waited until she was 7 years old because I didn't need to take from her. I bred her dam first but only got one dog pup, I took the plunge and took a litter from the daughter too. The bitches I've seen and the bitch I kept back are small, not tiny but small for this line. The bitch I've got I'm happy with, she's the same stamp and size of her grandam, if she
  3. I can't "like" it Bosun so once again I'll just have to tell you ? I've seen close breeding bring down the size of bitches and conversely take the size of dogs up. I tried talking about it on here once and someone kindly put up a link to a paper on genetics, I no longer have it or I'd put it back up. If you cut out all the waffle and took it to the layman's talk it basically said breed out of your strongest bitches. A bitch always wants to be feminine, so by constantly breeding tight (without picking your strongest bitches) you'll double up on the feminine influence. The same stand
  4. FD that's where it all falls down mate, finding decent lads to gift dogs too, I've got enough stories to write a book !
  5. I've stuck to a line my whole adult life, I've done well enough. I've spoke to a few top spaniel trainers and some follow lines, but the bulk chase the dog or family that's winning at the time. Who's got it right ? I've just used an outcross myself, he's got a few terriers of the same line in at the back of his 5 generation pedigree. I've had my eye on the dog since he was a young entry, he's my type of dog, small and strong. I left it until he was a well proven dog in the ground and a well proven producer before I used him. Would I use a young dog or bitch with jus
  6. I'd broke my back and neck FM, literally, I had two nice young bitches in ready to go and I just thought I'd give them to decent lads and keep a couple of pups back. If for no other reason than to give me a couple of years where I didn't have to do anything serious. I've got faith in the blood, I've seen plenty of shit in litters with good dogs in and ran with the odds.
  7. You're all right, that's the luck element ? I never said chance your arm on the Gumtree shite, what I'm trying to say is exactly what Dabs was saying. I'll give you an example, my old bitch Treacle had a mistake litter to my Sid, every pup in the litter was at best below average........and that's being kind. The same dog covered the same bitch four years later and every single pup from that litter is working to a high standard. I didn't let the "luck" factor influence me, both times he covered her was out of my hands, but it's the best example I can think of to show the mishmash of
  8. Exactly, you can eliminate all the luck factors, you can go to the legends with their legendary dogs and bitches and still produce shit. I'm with you 100% in taking the guess work out of breeding and the luck factors but I'll still have my fingers crossed and I'll still be thankful when it falls into place. The difference between most good yards and the average man is kennel management, knowing what you've got and when to work it and how to work it. You've still got to see the potential in your animal and have the ability to make it blossom. ........but you can only fetch out what's
  9. You took it to literally marshman, I've had 35 years on the bank mate and even with the best intensions and all the pedigrees in the world there's still an element of luck. Quote me some big names that consistently produce the goods and I'll tell you some shit they've bred.......myself included. I follow a line, a family call it what you want and I consistently produce working terriers, but I still need that little bit of luck to get the golden goose instead of gifting it to the lad down the road ?
  10. If breeding terriers or any working animal was as easy as some profess wouldn't we all have a yard of workers ? I've only had one lifetime, I'm no expert but I can tell you what I've come to know is fact.......... No ones got the answer ! We're all just guessing and we're all still learning. Granted some are having more LUCK than others. From what I've seen I'd say the breeding IE the dogs natural ability is the key too consistent workers but socialising and giving them time to learn on the job without being pushed is the difference between average and good. And for my two p
  11. I can't believe anyone used the word "slime balls" without it being in a Disney film ?
  12. That's exactly what I want mine for, it's hard work humping dozens of traps around, even worse in the rain and heavy ground. I'm carrying a spine injury or two, I'm in bits after a day settings traps, I'm just lookingfor easier options.
  13. I'm trying to start out, no complaints so far, I'm doing well enough, my only complaint is it's just another job that I end up covered in shit, red clay and piss wet through most days. My next move will be a quad, cover an average farm in a day and take the weight off my poor old spine.
  14. Good luck, I lifted all of mine before the snow, I lost enough with the barrels being froze as it is
  15. The fanny licker and teckel are out, the rest are farting for England in here
  16. You can buy them off the pet sites http://www.reptileforums.co.uk/forums/domestic-exotics-classifieds/96319-hand-reared-raccoon-sale.html#/topics/96319
  17. You can buy them off the pet sites
  18. I've got hard and steady terriers, I live in hope that the hard learn their lesson and begin to speak. They've all got their uses, on a personal level I don't like to dig to a mute terrier, I don't feel like I enjoy it at all. You feel obliged to rush because of the damage they can take, and it just doesn't feel right without a terrier singing away, like somethings missing.
  19. Not really, apart from little bits of advice and being told to leave off your youngsters what can you learn unless you're out there doing it. I'll happily give advice to anyone that asks, the trouble with most young lads is they already think they know it all...........no different than I used to be
  20. I've got 8 terriers, 1 lurcher, one fanny licker of a russell and a teckel all tucked up on the settee ?
  21. If you see something you like and you can give it a fair chance to blossom then why not ? I wouldn't advocate doing it when there's other options on the table, much better to find a well bred pup and put some time and effort into it. It's a long story how I came by Jess but the short version is I gave it a chance because I was going professional and it would at least give a decent terrier a rest when she was out instead. I chucked everything and kitchen sink at the bitch, it sounds c**t' ish but she didn't mean anything to me so I just kept piling on the graft. She never missed a bea
  22. I've only got chocolate terriers, no black's unless I use a black over one of these or one of the dogs gets used over a black bitch....... it's overdue. Swanpits kennels, Eccelshall, Staffordshire.............if they've got anymore, give me first refusal
  23. No rumour DC, the bitch in the lads hands was from a dog rescue center, without her there wouldn't be any of the others in the other pictures. If I could get another that worked like her I'd have the kennels on speed dial
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