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Everything posted by dillydog

  1. Stop it now Morton, I'm getting dangerously close to taking a shine to you
  2. He's peeked to early RH, nice stamp that
  3. You want to get them buildings re pointed sharpish
  4. Anyone else coming across Rumen fluke more often these days ? I've had different people say it's harmless to dogs but I've never taken the chance
  5. His 5th dig was 5 hour plus, I put the picture up a couple of years ago, this beauty wa's supposed to be a quick easy place
  6. He won't show himself, he's a strange one him, proud as punch, graft all day but put him in a ring and he hides behind my legs....tail up his arse !
  7. I can't say to much, I suppose he's as Lakey LOOKING as anything else you see
  8. You've only got to look in the fell terrier book to see the type they were actually working, they don't compare at all to the show shit which made most of their names.
  9. Blame the show scene and the idiots that chase a rosette, good honest lines ruined by breeding to pretty show stuff in the hopes you'll get a tidy worker !
  10. Never seen a good un, never heard of a good un. ...life's to short
  11. Flatpack tunnel traps (stainless steel) are about the best you'll get, expensive but you buy once and cry once. The only trouble you'll have is if brock takes a fancy to a cheap meal. If I see plenty of signs of brock I switch to putangs, cheap as chips and less of a hit to your pocket.
  12. I do exactly the same FD and I've never taken a youngster to watch a dig in my life. Taking youngsters with an adult dog IMO puts them off what they should be doing, they'll either get intimidated by the older dogs or distracted by them.
  13. Three way tunnel, this is where putanges come into their own. I generally always use the trigger on it's side, if you push it in a few times and clear the loose you create you'll have a perfect fit every time.
  14. There's not many tunnels that wide that the putange won't do when the triggers on it's side, they're a Godsend when there's multiple tunnels to. Obviously you'll still get the odd brain box that'll backfill you, but just like yourself I use the talpex on those or just keep telling myself "it can't keep being lucky" ?
  15. Www.Ukputangesupplies.co.uk Had a few dealings with them and they've always been spot on
  16. Putangs are the muts nuts once you master them, certainly not a trap you can pull out of the box and use without issue though. Once they've got a little pitting through either use or burying them for a week or so they're by far the best trap I've used.
  17. At the end of the day we're all just polishing turds, no one recreated the wheel, if it wasn't in them, you couldn't fetch it out. I admire all of the named terrier men, past and present, most didn't want the name, and all of them got into it for the sport not the fame.......fame is something that's earned, not freely given. On a personal level it would have to be Nick, I don't speak to him and haven't for a long time but he's one of the best men I know with a terrier .
  18. There's a bit in Jocelyn Lucas's "hunt and working terrier" that says (I forget which one) one of the old fell terrier breeders was either sending terriers down or working them there. Even in my lifetime the numbers of brock have gone through the roof, they may well have done a little travelling Glyn but we both know that the game wasn't there in numbers back then. On the other hand the number of fox was astronomical, with one russell bitch I could get 70+ fox a season.
  19. I don't agree with that last bit Glyn, fair enough they lay the foundation of the dogs we keep now but they didn't actually do a great deal with them if you read all the bumf and fluff in the books. I'm not trying to take anything away from them but with the motor cars and travel there's lads doing numbers and digs they could only dream of.
  20. I've got four bitches and four dogs, it's a pain in the arse for a few weeks in the year but it's a small price to pay. On a personal note, work wise, I've had far more top class dogs than bitches but I'd sooner work a bitch, bitches IMO form a closer bond with you and try and please, where dogs tend to be more independent.
  21. I wouldn't give one a place on a shelf, had it tried to read it, decided the best place for it was the bin....I'd say you've been lucky misplacing it
  22. Yes mate, in her younger days with her litter sisters.........what a litter
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