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Everything posted by dillydog

  1. Tell your mate he's full of shit because I watched it from ten foot away. I'm no fan of the man but rights right, it was fair and square, what he landed on was a child but when the bloods up who looks around for what might happen
  2. I've sat with Ken and Brian on many occasions, they hated each other with a passion. Ken was a character, a dealer and a spinner of yarns, you can't take it away from him, he had a knack of finding solid foundation to build on. He produced some of the best terriers this country had seen at the time and he put some names on the map. However, he was no keeper of records, and he'd give a pedigree made up on the spot to me, you, and the next person. .....none two the same. Brian was meticulous, he had a good memory and he had paperwork to back it up.
  3. "Story" Ask Wayne himself, I just had a lookand he's on FB bless him, not hard to find. I know who I'd believe
  4. You lost me as soon as I got to "working terrier expert and Plummer"
  5. Nuttall bitch x Cowan terrier, Colin wrote the article to put the record straight
  6. You'd be the first person in the history of terriers to get an accurate pedigree off Ken.........ask him again tomorrow you'll get a different one
  7. He was given them to work, he took it upon himself to sell them on, I spoke to Roy many times about it. Roy didn't know they were Franks, he offered them back but Frank never bothered.
  8. From what I heard it was Paul C who sold the terriers to RE
  9. Treating your own dogs isn't a defence in court, I've had first hand experience, you won't have a leg to stand on. You're correct about the paper trial, without it you're screwed.
  10. No different than the modern terrier men, you can't get a straight answer out of most of them .
  11. Same time, I think your case was just in front of mine if you're from Lancashire. That's another kick in the balls they can give you, vehicles gone, dogs gone, equipment gone ! Tell me again why we do what we do ? I've never considered for a second anything we do is immoral or illegal, it's something I've enjoyed all of my life. The world's gone mad, we're getting swamped with foreign cultures, cultures where the rape of women and children is more acceptable to our politicians than our simple rights to hunt and preserve our sense of culture. If I was any younger (
  12. I never said pack up, it's up to each and every one of us to make his mind up what the future holds. There's always loopholes, there's always ways of covering your arse. The way I see it unless you're bang to rights the only way they can charge you with animal welfare issues or cruelty is if you didn't seek veterinary care for your terrier. Jump through hoops, keep fighting the good fight
  13. I saw the writing on the wall years ago, none of my boys keep terriers, I wouldn't wish it on them. It's a hard habit to break, I've been banned twice, jailed once and I'm still out there doing my bit. How many lads would it take getting 5 years to stop 99% of you ? Do the maths, it's cheaper to give 10 or 20 of you varying jail terms upto 5 years than continuisly pump funds Into rural crimes. How many of you would still be giving it large after loosing your liberty and the right to keep dogs ? I've had it twice and it leaves a mental scar on you, fair play if you can p
  14. Exactly my thought reading it a few days ago, it's all relative, your cruel isn't my cruel and so on, it should never be down to a biased organisation such as the RSPCA.
  15. I've gone and got a coupleof these but in all honesty it wouldn't of got into where that tick was in me
  16. Be honest Tomo, you thought it was my ring didn't you ?
  17. Pulled that out of my fat guts a few days ago, b*****d thing broke up on the way out, they stick in well I can tell you that.
  18. To be fair to RH 99% of huntsmen are grade A c**ts
  19. That particular huntsman knows his way around a spade
  20. It's a dog, treat it like any other, it's not rocket science
  21. To big and slow, I wouldn't have one given me ?
  22. Whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart
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