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Everything posted by steamingutpiles

  1. Thank you. Thank you, very much............ Nice cock..................
  2. What is the general consensus regarding the working ability of castrated male ferrets as opposed to entire ones? What castrating procedure is most popular these days?
  3. I have ordered copies of both today. Thanks!!!!
  4. Thanks chaps. Now I just need to find out where to get 'em. Cheers.
  5. Recommedations sought for good DVDs and Books on the subject of long netting and where they can be purchased?
  6. Are there any quickset net makers happy to export a few to Ausralia?
  7. I have recently sourced some sheet netting which has 3 1/4" mesh, a 6' drop and about 50 metres in length. Will it be suitable for making a longnet?
  8. I'm good. I've been doing a little with my Jagds in the past few weeks. Go me a Go Pro camera - hopefully will get some action footage soon.
  9. Couldn't have put it better myself! Cheers Jay...........
  10. These blokes are hillarious. They break the process down into simple easy to follow steps. They didn't mention anything about the calouses you build up on your pinkies - they just keep banging on about the imporance of a tight ring and the requirement for a purple light sabre. Very instructive .
  11. Those gay jitz dudes can be a problem. Make sure you "tap" early
  12. I'm a jagd terrier man too. Welcome!
  13. Outstanding! What equipment did you use?
  14. I do a little foxing and bush bashing for pigs etc. However, i'm very keen to try 'em out as blood trackers on deer. They could also earn their keep as rat killers around the chook pens.
  15. An integrated control program involving the use of several effectice management tools is usually the most cost effective in the long run. eg ferretting, trapping/snaring coupled with harbour destruction and exclusionary fencing. Depending of the circumstances, warren fumigation an poisoning using 1080 or an anticoagulant (pindone)are also very effective.
  16. I keen to get some brass wire here in OZ anyone know of a source? I'm also interested in longnets and ferret tracking gear????
  17. I make them myself using 4-6 mm round barstock mild steel. It's easy to bend and weld and you can set it up anywhere. The only commercial manufactureres I am aware of are in the US.
  18. how is this dog breed in the pic mate ? is there and spanial in this dog ? Here's some Aussie Beagles on Sambar
  19. getting the feeling sum lads think its a cross, bull s..t its pure of good German stock I'm waiting for the kc papers to fined out what lines, k, Jones of Barnard castle, Durham, bread it sire- wild bore , dam,- ladysmith Lara let you no the lines soon cheers. Not having a go at all mate I'm a breeder of GWP's and I am acutely aware of the variations in their appearance. I have seen a few dogs in the US with similar conformation I was just curious as to where he came from. Cheers.
  20. Unusual colour & coat. What bloodlines is he?
  21. Snaring in built up public areas is a mine field. Pet pussy cats tend to be over represented if you snare run throughs.
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