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About steamingutpiles

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    Born Hunter

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    The sun lit plains extended.....................

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  1. Hi folks I've been away for a while. Just checking in to see if there are any results on anew ferret finder system?
  2. Jagd Terriers (at least the ones I have, are very vocal - trail barkers). Specialist "hole" dogs like Patts (the well bred ones) are hard to beat at their craft. There are plenty of Jagdterriers which will give them a run for their money - but as a general proposition, as far as holes go the "real" Fell Terriers are KING. The Vom Asstraataa line is a good one but here are plenty of others as good and in many cases better.
  3. Which Serbian lines do you have? The website claims asstraata. There is no more detail than that. Who did you get your dogs off Richard? Those Vom Asstraataa dogs of Stanko Delic's are the real McCoy. Yes. The ones I have seen definitely go to ground and are mustard on billies and foxes. I'm not sure about the Hungarian dogs though.
  4. These two Serbian type dogs are "demons" on Sambar deer.
  5. Young Jagd Terriers and ferret doing a little rabbiting.
  6. https://www.(!64.56:886/pages/Sambarman-Kennels-German-Wirehaired-Pointers-Jagd-Terriers/251334274904004?ref=hl
  7. I hear lot of things too. But I usually rely on things I have seen or experienced first hand before I bag them out on an open forum. There are great and not so great individuals in most breeds of terrier, including Jagdterriers. Often I find that the real truth lies in the credibility of the story teller.
  8. I have Jagdterriers here in Australia. https://www.(!64.56:886/pages/Sambarman-Kennels-German-Wirehaired-Pointers-Jagd-Terriers/251334274904004?ref=hl
  9. Your right as far as the origin of the breed is concerned. The same applies to a number of other performance breeds too. The left the UK and ended up in places where they were refined into some pretty awesome dogs. The Germans, renown for their breeding of quality hunting dogs, immaculate record keeping and attention to detail, did a good job in coming up with Jagdterriers. These days there are very few places in Europe where they cannot be found being utilised for what they were bred. They are gaining popularity in the USA, Australia, South Africa and Japan as well. They are also an FCI breed
  10. Plenty of good ones and plenty of crap ones in any breed of terrier. There are a lot more than two strains of Jagdterriers out there, just the same with JRTs and Fells and Patterdales etc. The initial aim of the breeders cack in the early 1900s was to breed a truly versatile hunting terrier - game finder & flusher, retriever, blood tracker and hole dog. Many were bred as such and many ended up as specialised hole dogs for digging to fox & badger etc, Many also ended up as competition dogs used on similar critters in artificial dens. Mine are all rounders and don't do a bad job.
  11. One the subject of pedigrees........is there some sort of registry for Patterdale Terriers?
  12. You can find a needle in a haystack too.....it just takes a while. No terrier can be everything to everyone. As a general proposition, as far as versatile hunting terriers go, well bred Jagdterriers are pretty hard to beat. As far as specialist hole dogs go, the purpose bred British breeds probably have the edge. Comparing them to each other is like comparing apples to oranges.
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