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Good Man

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Everything posted by Good Man

  1. that one is a cracker, a pic that would be hard to get again if ever.
  2. never ran them, none here in ireland, wish their was, but lads that use to run them in uk, said their hair is thick and dog needs to learn how to get a proper grip? comes off in hand fulls apparently!
  3. sorry to hear that lad. i know of a man that took one on. it killed his wifes small dog then ran the street killing what ever it could find before getting put down! some just wan to chase and kill, mad pray drive and don't suit everyone!
  4. your doing very well with that pup J, his a champion dog for retrieving after the shot, happy eating, they make great eating so they do.
  5. Wash out in warm slat water. Apply pure alovira gel, or purple spray. rest till healed up, could take 3 to 4 weeks, depending on how badly damaged they are. What ever you do, don't be tempted to run her before their healed, as you will be back to square 1. You can start lead walking her ONLY, after a week or so, if their healing well, but don't over do it. Hope this help, good luck.
  6. hope yea all get your hunting and coursing back from this man.
  7. stay where yea are. its muzzled greyhounds chasing caught up hares that are released in front of greyhounds, in a enclosed area. the waterloo cup, when it was on in the uk, was far better, hares on their own ground, not netted up.
  8. gain puppy and sapling is excellent food.
  9. good post. sounds like your feeding her too much Rob. try the above and see how it goes.
  10. Rob, gain 28, is excellent complete, mixed with meat. It sounds like she was raised on kibble from a pup?? Did the breeder weened them on kibble? I would try the gain and also feed meat, sardines ect, works for me very well.
  11. weight bearing bones, will damage your dogs teeth!! , as it has happen to my dog in the passed, beware of giving them weight baring bones, in that clip, you feed a lot of weight baring bones, just becarefull fella. personally, i would NOT, feed that what you have showed. !
  12. the ingredients in LLA, are more stronger. Their is a lot of sodium in LLA, dogs sweat from their feet, cattle, pigs horses ect, sweat from their skin, works differently for them, then it does for dogs, trust me i know, as a friends dog nearly died from using this stuff and the greyhound vet said to keep away from it and use recharge or another running dog electrolyte when needed.
  13. Liquid life aid is poison to dogs in the long run lad, no joke, far better and safer to give the recharge, or other similar running dog electrolyte.
  14. Have you tried to master the whisle pal, lot of lads get f****d off with it after a while cos they cant get the hang of it, when you say that the whislte dont work here, what do you mean?? good link below http://huntandshoot....ld-fox-whistle/
  15. too much sodium and potasium in that, meant for horses not dogs, get a dog electrolyte, like recharge. horses swet from skin, dogs from feet, will harm your dog in the long run if you use horse stuff!!
  16. I had him on quite high protein (Eukanuba performance 30%) but stopped that several months ago Max, replaced with lower levels 18-20% Of late he gets mainly tripe minced with beef/oily fish/chicken. Lamb bones (Not daily) had Recharge mixed with his meal about 7hrs prior to work....the eggs are my own, from my own hens, but i will do as you suggested He also gets tinned food occasionally, cooked food with wholegrain pasta. I'll def look into getting some dripping, thank you for you imput Drop the tinned food moll, no goodness whatsoever in there. Choose a biscut as a base, as i sa
  17. good account of your night their and a nice bag, dogs did well. was lashing up here all night fields flooded ect, hopefully later tonight wind meant to get up. find in very wet fields, dogs find it hard to get a grip and slip.!
  18. recharge below. http://www.greyhoundmegastore.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=recharge
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