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Good Man

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Everything posted by Good Man

  1. Thanks. It would be good to hear from folks that have used it a bit, the tight beam sounds good.
  2. Looks handy below, anyone on here have one, what are they like? http://www.pigeon-decoys.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=365
  3. where yea heading to? nice pair of dogs.
  4. that was her second night out,1 st night out she got 2, she was a lot better the other night,she is coming on now,just going to use her on the long ear now,good man she is a saluki x whipxgrey ,there was a lot of rabbits out were i was,could of ran her on 40 if i liked,just wanted to get a few kills sounds very promising.
  5. she did very well for her first time, 9 out of 10 is good going. good luck with her on the long ears. where did you say she came from? Whats her exact breeding?
  6. lad here in ireland, about 19 years ago, bought a pure saluki from uk, he had seen the parents work well in some decent big fields and catch a lot of stuff, he was mad to get a pup from this mating ans payed £500 for a bitch pup at that time. he had a awfull time raising the pup, even though he had done a lot of research into it and was very patient with the pup, after 3 years, the saluki could not catch a thing!, it just did not try and once got hold of a bunny, only letting it go, after the bunny kicked about! to say he was down about it, was a understatement! I think he was just unlucky
  7. any luck? was out here at 4 am, blowing a storm, rabbits everywhere, good night here in ireland last night, storm heading your way. at call it a nite the dog got 2 fat toes,,, sorry to hear that, hope he mends well soon, good luck, his doing a mighty job.
  8. thats very good going for a 10 month pup on hard ground. personally, i would not have pushed him that much, as id say he is still growing, but you would know the pup more and hopefully know what he can do and not. as said, sounds very promising for the future, good luck.
  9. any luck? was out here at 4 am, blowing a storm, rabbits everywhere, good night here in ireland last night, storm heading your way.
  10. sounds interesting, is this here in Ireland? What cross was your dog you used when you did the ton on the lamp? I run lurchers, cross not important, my lurchers are fit, but Im not kidding any moderate lurcher could pick up 100 here EASY. Like I say its not much fun when the rabbits dont sense danger at all., but was done for pest control as there are no predators, no mixy, and to fill the freezer. sound. i am not saying the cross of lurcher was important, just wanted to know what you had. sounds like them rabbits a fairly green and like pet ones?
  11. sounds interesting, is this here in Ireland? What cross was your dog you used when you did the ton on the lamp?
  12. That pup is being worked the way it should be, fine job yea have done with him and a decent bag of bunnys, good going. This site needs more like you and your dogs.
  13. i allways wondered what lurcher folk did before the age of the lamp?? id say a lurcher had to be a good pot filler?
  14. this below was out on here recently, its a pure saluki and runs far better.
  15. I would'nt know my friend, I just sit down at my computer on my fat ass and have an opinion on everything I've never done myself. There are Saluki's that did relish them, not that I know of course.... First off, we aint friends.........Secondly, looky here dick beater, its hard enough to get dogs bred to catch and kill to do it consistently let alone dogs bred primarily for hare and some tiny ass gazelle thing. I seen videos of them dog gone saluki where they run them gazelle for like 5 minutes friggin straight. That shit is unbelievable. I am in awe at their speed and endurance.
  16. Robert, try to find out who owns that dog and put his teeth down his throat for letting his dog do that to yours. hope he has a speedy recovery, his a bloody good dog and deserves better.
  17. well, its a total different situation, a terrier to ground with a fox and a whippet above ground with a fox. a terrier can have advantage, as the fox can not twist and turn as well below ground, but can when above.
  18. I was ferreting in co. sligo today, near the coast, was near oyster island, got talking to a local, he noticed my small lurcher and said, yea should take it over to that island, full of hares, oyster island. i then found out, the greyhound coursing club in that area, own all the hares on it and they manage it.
  19. grand pics , did you import any of that strain?
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