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Good Man

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Everything posted by Good Man

  1. Thats where i got the name for the one i had. i was thinking. R.I.P to both of them
  2. Thats where i got the name for the one i had.
  3. A great bitch, only seen her run on dvd's, up and at them type, my kind. Apparently she got killed on the road, shame, as she was a good one.!
  4. west meath hunt show was very good last year. hope its on again this year.
  5. Golden rule for me on lamp...........NEVER run 2 dogs on the lamp, you were lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That old bitch of yours deserves better!!!! Prehaps you have learnt your lesson???
  6. The 2 young lads did very well and a great wright up and clip.
  7. they seem to go on and on and on
  8. would not have a clue Jigsaw, as i am only getting into the coursing game proper now, but you seem happy with her and that is all that matters, she is a nice looking bitch.
  9. nice one lads, well done. that black and yellow spade looks good, where did you get it from and are they any good? Thanks.
  10. who bred her Jigsaw? did she come off any known saluki lines?
  11. good going which was the young dog?
  12. what made me wonder about the ban ove their, is the hare must be shot, if it looks like the dog is going to catch it! what a load of crap, as if that was the case, the dog would be shot too accidently, trying to shoot the hare! i think it was made up by a load of dicks, in a office, who have never, set foot in the countryside in their sad lifes!
  13. cheers for the experinces. sometime in the futre i will have a coursing dog, dont think it will be a pure saluki though. our fields here in ireland, would not acomadate one i dont think, expecially where i am in the west, small garden fields with a lot of wire, whins, stupid crazy gates ect ect!
  14. bollocks can you prove this please, cheers. WILL I PM U PICS thats sound, thanks.
  15. Have to agree i think, some west of Ireland land below and this is good land, notice the fox, i took it whilst ferreting, it come up to us to say hello...lol
  16. any pure saluki in Ireland taking long ears on a regular basis with consistency, in winter? I have not, come across any? Fields here, especially in the west of the country, are just too small i think and the irish hare, is not easy catch in our country! I may be wrong, but liked to be prooven wrong too?
  17. I have both, the clulite is more reliable, but the lightforce has a longer range better beam, but breaks down a good bit, badly made, wear as the clulite just keeps going on.
  18. cheers lads, wont be getting one so.
  19. she did well so she did, well done that bitch. She must be nippy?
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