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Good Man

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Everything posted by Good Man

  1. nice one, good footage. would you know what happned to indy now? last i heard she had pups, that was about 1 or 2 years ago?
  2. Moll, hope Rudie makes a full recovery, good luck and keep us posted.
  3. Swelling is down and foot looks normal so its not all bad, the only thing i was wondering about was the pad is hanging down and is not in contact with the other bit of pad would you suggest maybe putting a little bit of tape around her leg to hold it together if you know what i mean and it is the pad up her leg that im talking about Yes, i know what your on about, if you get some super glue and clue it back on, should be grand. Lead walk her only, as this helps the healing, but not for miles and only if the swelling has gone right down and she is walking ok on it. Also, if you can glu
  4. Allways liked this bitch below, Indy, she had pups their last year i heard, or prehaps year before? does anyone know how they getting on. ? She is the black and tan bitch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2zf1mSo6v4&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
  5. Good going their, hows the saluki cross bred ?
  6. If the foot is swollen, go to a good greyhound vet, dont delay, as it could permanantly damege it! The blue spray is good, i use it and it helps the healing.
  7. why bother puttinfg them on when their private lad??
  8. Exactly . their is even lads over here in Ireland, that are bringing attention to it all by coming on here and nit picking!!
  9. Well said L300 , hope some folks on here understand this!
  10. Keep it open and dont bandage it up. Just lead walk her, it will take about 3 weeks to heal, good luck.
  11. Good going that lads, as it was pretty calm last night, well done fair play, the dogs did well.
  12. thanks good man i did see him advertised for stud but didnt take note that was last year Ill ask the man that had him, if he still has him.
  13. snowman was in my town, not sure if he is still here in Ireland. meant to be a good producer?
  14. Jack Russells and other terriers did the job underground, totally different ball game...
  15. penny has droped, enjoy, a lot of collie bred lurchers can sometimes be slow to start.
  16. Thats great going, if i had dogs that got that many in the day, i would not bother lamping, just watch the dogs work, magic.
  17. is she a full grey nice bitch No mate, deerhound/greyhound X Collie/whippet... nice road kills.
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